I am pleased to announce a brand new community driven training program for ColdFusion – Learn CF in a week! It is great to see Learn CF In a Week live from what started out as a conversation about training resources for ColdFusion between Simon and me at cf.Objective() this year. Huge shout-out to Simon Free and other community experts for making this happen. I would like to call out all contributors from the community for this traning program that […]
There is a ColdFusion e-seminar happening today on ColdFusion Builder at 8 am PT. Title: ColdFusion Builder: The professional IDE to boost your productivity Description: ColdFusion Builder has many features that makes CFML coding easier and faster, like code assist for functions and variables, auto code complete, code insight for CFCs and ORM entities, tighter integration with ColdFusion server, line debugger, advanced search functionality, extensibility using extensions and many more. This session will explain such productivity features, including those that are […]
The ColdFusion 10 Update 4 is now available for install within your administrator. It includes several important bug fixes. ColdFusion 10 Update 4 is a cumulative update. It includes all the bug fixes from previous updates of ColdFusion 10. All the issues reported in Update 3 have been resolved in this update. The details of the update is available here.
There is a mandatory update to ColdFusion 10 that all ColdFusion 10 users need to apply on all platforms. [Update: The mandatory update was refreshed. Take a look at the latest update here ] You can download the update from here: http://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/downloads_updates.html Detailed instructions on how to apply this update is available in the technote here: http://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/coldfusion-10-mandatory-update.html You can run the update from the command line either in the GUI or in the silent mode by following the steps outlined here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/10.0/Admin/WSe61e35da8d318518-33adffe0134c60cd31c-7ffe.html […]
ColdFusion supports all minor version upgrades to Java. Here’s a KB article that indicates this. As long the ColdFusion supports the major Java version, you can upgrade the minor version updates within the supported major versions.
[Update: Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 announced for ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion Builder 2.0.1 : link] The support for ColdFusion 10 on Windows 8 and OS X Mountain Lion is coming. We will be releasing new installers to support these new platforms. While it is not possible to point out the release date for these installers at this time, the installers will be made available in the next 3-5 months time.
Please welcome Kishore Balakrishnan, who will be the new Product Marketing Manager for ColdFusion. Minu has decided to move out of ColdFusion PMM role. She will be transitioning the ColdFusion responsibilities and relationships to Kishore. Kishore has been with Adobe for more than 6 years now, performing various roles across multiple Adobe products. Kishore does bring a user level experience of ColdFusion, which is a big plus.
[updated as the Java EOL date is now Feb, 2013] Oracle has announced that updates to Java 6 will no longer be available post February 2013 in the Java SE 6 End of Public Updates Notice posted here. We are aware of this and wanted to assure you that Java 7 support for ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion 9 will be available through updates. The updates will go out before Java 6 will be EOLed in February, 2013.
Here are the upcoming ColdFusion e-seminars from Adobe engineers. To register, click here Securing applications with ColdFusion 10 security enhancements July 25, 2012 The session will include best practices for writing secure applications. It will discuss the new APIs and features added in ColdFusion 10. We will do hands on/Examples of each category. The session will also include brief about hot-fix installer and Secure profile features. We will end with discussing some of the configurations which can help largely […]
ColdFusion 10 figures on CIO.com in the 9 programming tools for maximizing HTML5 here. The post talks about ColdFusion as the server-side technology for building enterprise Web applications leverages HTML5 integration to build rich user experiences using WebSockets, interactive charting, video, and geo-tagging.
We have had some valuable contributions to the ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion Builder 2.0.1 pre-release. The participants showed a lot of interest in ensuring that they give maximum feedback to the product team. This just goes on to the show passion that you have for the product. Thanks to each and everyone one of you who participated in the pre-release program for ColdFusion 10. The product team values every contribution that was made. We will look forward to your contributions […]
I have posted the Adobe ColdFusion Mobile and HTML5 survey here. Please spare a few minutes to help Adobe take the right steps to build the future of the product that you love – Adobe ColdFusion!