Come join us at the Online ColdFusion Meetup session on Thursday July 23, 2020 at 6p US Eastern time (UTC -4). (There is an Adobe webinar at 12p ET that day.) The presentation will be: “Intro to NativeScript”, with Alex Ziskind For more on the presentation, the speaker, how to join the group join (free), as well as the URL for the online meeting and more, please see the meetup event page: The meeting will be recorded, as have been […]
If you’ve not noticed, the portal here has been showing a new “event” link for the Fall 2020 CF Summit, indicating that it will be online (and free) this year, to be held in November. You can see more and signup at There is a FAQ at the bottom of the page that indicates that it will be free, though the page currently offers no specific date. And while it has menus at the top for speakers and sponsors, […]
If you saw the news today (July 14, 2020) about the new updates for CF2018 and 2016, you may have read seen the new admonition (a “strong recommendation”) from Adobe that one should be careful to “delete CAR files once they are used”. What’s that about? And why is it a concern? (And is it ever NOT a concern?) Indeed why is it a new admonition? (To be clear: the recommendation should be heeded even by those using CF versions […]
Come join us at the Online ColdFusion Meetup session on Thursday July 16, 2020 at 12p US Eastern time (UTC -4). The presentation will be: “What Web Developers Can Learn From Native Mobile Developers”, with TJ VanToll For more on the presentation, the speaker, how to join the group join (free), as well as the URL for the online meeting and more, please see the meetup event page: The meeting will be recorded, as have been all 260+ previous Online […]
Come join us at the Online ColdFusion Meetup session on Thursday July 9, 2020 at 12p US Eastern time (UTC -4). The presentation will be: “Your best options to build modern front-ends with JavaScript”, with Dan Wilson For more on the presentation, the speaker, how to join the group join (free), as well as the URL for the online meeting and more, please see the meetup event page: The meeting will be recorded, as have been all 260+ previous Online […]
While most may know that CF has always been free for development use, did you know that folks in education (students, teachers, and staff) can obtain CF Standard licenses, for use in learning (though not production)? This topic is covered in a section in the available ColdFusion FAQ. There’s an FAQ for CF Standard and one for CF Enterprise, and both say the same thing about this matter, in their section of questions on “Complimentary ColdFusion Standard for education“. There […]
We will hold the 261st meeting of the Online ColdFusion Meetup this week, Thursday June 25, 2020 at 12p US Eastern time (UTC -4). The presentation will be: “Keeping CF (and Java) updated: challenges and solutions”, with Charlie Arehart For more on the meeting, how to join (for free, no registration required), the URL for the online meeting, and more, please see the meetup event page: The meeting will be recorded, as have been all previous Online CFMeetup sessions, available […]
Getting added to the CF2020 prerelease, is now even easier.
The least you need to know to deal with any of 3 common problems that could affect your web sites after applying the March 2020 CF updates.
How to quickly resolve samesite cookie issues, at least until a CF update helps handle it more automatically.
There are many CF-oriented webinars, coming up or recorded in the past, as well as recorded live-streams, from Adobe and others in the CF community, as I point out here.
Sad news to report: the annual CF Summit East (2020) conference has now been cancelled, due to concerns over the Corona virus. I have not seen a post here from Adobe, nor have they mentioned it on their twitter feed (@coldfusion), but if you visit the summit web site, the announcement is there. Bottom line: In an abundance of caution for their customers, partners, and employees, Adobe has made the difficult but important decision to cancel the Adobe ColdFusion Summit […]