How To Create Manual API In ColdFusion API Manager

ColdFusion API Manager helps you to create APIs that expose core functionalities of application and other backend systems. These APIs are then published and managed at runtime. We can create APIs in multiple ways : Creating API Manually Importing API from Swagger Importing API from ColdFusion REST services Converting a SOAP service into a REST service Import a SOAP API through a proxy service In the series of blogs to follow we will cover each flow. In this blog we […]

Applying update on a ColdFusion instance running with a non-admin user

You may run into issues if you are using a non-administrator user account to install ColdFusion updates manually, or if an installation is attempted from the ColdFusion administrator console when ColdFusion service is running with a non-administrator account. In such cases, the update may not install successfully. and may complete with errors.

ColdFusion Marketing

Last year was the 20th year of ColdFusion and thanks to the enthusiastic participation of the customers it was a great hit. The celebrations culminated at the ColdFusion Summit 2015 which was the largest ColdFusion Summit we had till date. 2016 promises to be great year for ColdFusion with the new release. Some of the activities that we are planning on doing this year are: 1. ColdFusion Champions – We are creating a CF Champions team which would help us […]

Configuring JNDI Data sources in ColdFusion

(Originally written in Jul 2015, updated in Jan 2021) For a more complete and updated discussion of this topic, see the 2019 post, Guide to configure JNDI datasource in ColdFusion. This 2015 post below expanded on a still-older one, linked to below. Both are combined and updated into the more recent post. For configuring JNDI data sources, it should firstly be supported by the application server. Tomcat server, which is built-into ColdFusion server, has the support for this by default. […]

Security Enhancements in ColdFusion Splendor – PBKDF2 and AntiSamy

ColdFusion 11 added few more security functions to the rich set of coldfusion security functions. Some of them includes protection against XSS using AntiSamy framework, PBKDF2 key derivation etc. In this blog post we will introduce you to the Antisamy and PBKDF2 key derivation functions added in coldfusion Splendor. AntiSamy Support: If there is a need to accept HTML/CSS input from the user then there is high possibility that the input containing XSS. In this case We can not use […]

Thank you for making CFSummit 2013 a success!

I thank each of the 503 attendees for the overwhelming response and great feedback for the first ever ColdFusion conference from Adobe. The positive feedback post the conference on social media – Twitter, Facebook and the blogs has been really encouraging. We have also made note of some of the improvements that have been suggested and will work on those for a better CFSummit next year. The conference would not have been successful without the efforts from all the speakers. […]

ColdFusion 10 WebSocket Vulnerability

There have been a couple of posts describing the vulnerability using the websocket functionality in ColdFusion 10. The Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is aware of this issue and is actively engaged with the ColdFusion Product Team to release a fix. Adobe PSIRT is not aware of this issue being exploited in the wild. There will be a new update released soon that directly prevents the ability to invoke non-remote methods on the CFC using Websockets.      

New Year, New Beginnings

Welcome to the new Adobe ColdFusion blog.  If you have not noticed it yet, this blog runs on ColdFusion and MangoBlog with a new domain name. The content of the old blog on has been fully moved to this new blog. Going forward you will see us more active on all social networking channels where we will reach out to you with more news and updates about Adobe ColdFusion. Be a part of the Adobe ColdFusion page on […]