Finding more about applying ColdFusion updates

Since ColdFusion 10, the CF Administrator has a feature for applying updates to their installed ColdFusion version. This process is generally very easy, but sometimes people face challenges, and there are several resources that can help you find the updates as well as better understand the update process and resolve problems with it, as I discuss here.

Resources for learning more about CF2016

Think you have a good handle on the many things that were new in ColdFusion 2016, or do you think there were only a couple of new features? In this post, I point you to a couple dozen resources which highlight both its major and minor features, as well as its updates since the initial release, and still more resources on the new release. Though CF2016 has been out since Feb 2016, there are many folks who may have only […]

More Modern CFML features

More Modern features in ColdFuison, what are these features? Here are some and examples for each: CFScript QueryExecute Member Functions Elvis Operator Colusures Map Reduce Filter Each First Class Functions Safe Navigator CFScript: Seems like first CFScript was implemented in CF 4.0 Tags seemed ok back then because pre CFC’s (CF Components) Used UDF’s and Custom Tags to reuse and separate code CF MX (6.0) brought about CFC’s so separation of code CFCs – you create methods, which are ColdFusion […]

Axis-2 and Axis-1 compatibility issues in ColdFusion

Note: Due to the recent migration of ColdFusion blogs, some blogs were inadvertently lost during the process. We are recovering the blogs, and as we find out more, we shall republish the blogs here. This blog is one such.

CF install/deployment choices: what’s right for me?

When you download and install ColdFusion, you are offered various options. They may be a bit confusing if you’re not familiar with the choices. Also, some folks are not aware of all the options and may not realize there’s an option that may better suit their needs. As you contemplate proceeding with installing ColdFusion, should you be choosing the Trial or Developer Edition? What if you plan to license Standard or Enterprise? What’s the difference between all these? And when […]

Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion

Functional programming has gained popularity in the recent past. Using functional programming techniques, you can write code that is relatively bug-free, easier to debug and test, and easier to refactor. One of the reasons why functional programming has become popular is its ability to manipulate data structures easily and efficiently when compared to traditional methods. In this blog, we shall take a close look at the pillars of functional programming, map, reduce, and filter, and how you can use these […]

ContentBox Modular CMS

ContentBox is an open source modular content management engine powered by ColdFusion. With ContentBox you minimize development time since it allows you to easily build websites, blogs, wikis, complex web applications and even power mobile or cloud applications.  Built with a secure and flexible modular core, designed to scale, and combined with world-class support, ContentBox will get your projects out the door in no time. ContentBox is built with a solid professional open source framework foundation; The ColdBox Platform, which […]

Third Party Solutions

The Adobe® ColdFusion® community offers a plethora of technologies that are built on top of or complement ColdFusion applications and solutions. Following is a list of third-party technologies ranging from content management systems to add-ons for ColdFusion applications. Prosis : Enterprise Resource Planning System Prosis ™ helps you manage all your information, build business processes and automate your operations across budget, program and project planning, human resources, supply chain, stock control, asset control, sales, work-order services and financials. No matter […]

Welcome back!

We thank the user community for your patience during our brief outage.  In an effort to improve our service we recently moved ColdFusion Blog to WordPress based Adobe blogs. Unfortunately, during the transition we encountered some technical issues and apologize for the delay. We look forward to working with you on this new platform. Sincerely, The ColdFusion Team

How To Create Manual API In ColdFusion API Manager

ColdFusion API Manager helps you to create APIs that expose core functionalities of application and other backend systems. These APIs are then published and managed at runtime. We can create APIs in multiple ways : Creating API Manually Importing API from Swagger Importing API from ColdFusion REST services Converting a SOAP service into a REST service Import a SOAP API through a proxy service In the series of blogs to follow we will cover each flow. In this blog we […]

Applying update on a ColdFusion instance running with a non-admin user

You may run into issues if you are using a non-administrator user account to install ColdFusion updates manually, or if an installation is attempted from the ColdFusion administrator console when ColdFusion service is running with a non-administrator account. In such cases, the update may not install successfully. and may complete with errors.

ColdFusion Marketing

Last year was the 20th year of ColdFusion and thanks to the enthusiastic participation of the customers it was a great hit. The celebrations culminated at the ColdFusion Summit 2015 which was the largest ColdFusion Summit we had till date. 2016 promises to be great year for ColdFusion with the new release. Some of the activities that we are planning on doing this year are: 1. ColdFusion Champions – We are creating a CF Champions team which would help us […]