In this part two of a series I have started on Hidden Gems in ColdFusion 2018, we will look first at hidden gems related to installation, administration, and configuration.
In every release of Adobe ColdFusion, there are the few major features which receive a lot of attention from Adobe and from CF users, but there are often dozens of lesser-known features that may help you, whether regarding coding or such things as security, administration, installation, configuration, tuning, monitoring, and so on. And of course, there can be important compatibility/migrations to be aware of, and still more.
If you missed the chance to attend CFCamp 2018, held in Munich Germany in Nov 2019, note that recordings of all 24 sessions have been made available. They are free for those who attended (who were given a link by email) and can be viewed at a low cost otherwise ($90, currently, for all 24 sessions and 20 hours of content). See, where the two keynote sessions are available for free.
If you missed the chance to attend the Adobe ColdFusion Summit, held in Oct 2018 in Las Vegas, you can see many of the same talks (from Adobe and community members) at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019, to be held in Apr 2019 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel. Agenda (and speaker) details are not yet posted, but you’ll want to save the date if you may consider attending. You can sign-up on the site to be notified as […]
Update: while this problem was resolved in early Feb 2019 (see this post for more), it has come back in late Feb 2019. To Adobe folks responsible for the portal: I noticed the new portal UI update in recent days. Hope it may help some. I am running into some issues. First up, I am finding that if I offer a reply to someone’s question, and then I go back to edit that reply, the system is losing all the paragraph […]
Hey, did you know that the Adobe Immerse ’18 online conference next week will have 16 CF sessions? For more, including the topic titles/descriptions and presenters, see my blog entry just posted. There will be sessions on CF2018 and also on topics relevant to those on older versions (and about 75 other non-CF sessions on other Adobe enterprise products). The sessions will all be recorded, available exclusively to those who register (only $75) for the next year (when they will be […]
The public beta of ColdFusion 2018 was released today (Apr 16), and that’s great news. This is not a post about what IS new but instead about how you can find that out for yourself. UPDATE and some great news on this After I posted this entry, Saurav from Adobe did in fact address overnight nearly every concern I had raised in the original post here. Thanks for that fast response! 🙂 So, much of what I said below about “concerns” […]
As with each release of CF, there are the things that will get lots of attention or promotion, and then there are the little things that may be just the thing to make a developer’s life easier. That’s the case with a little hidden gem in ColdFusion 2018 called “named parameters”.
Have you wondered just when “support” (available updates) for a given CF or CF Builder version will (or did) end? This post tells you, for the past several CF releases, and all CF Builder releases, with some additional related information (like, “what’s ‘core support’ vs ‘extended support’?”)
[Originally published: Jan 2018; updated Sep 2023, Jan 2021] Do you know how to quickly and easily find the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) for your installed ColdFusion version? Sure, you can search for and find one online (I show links to those below), but did you know it’s actually available as a file right in your installed CF instance? Frequently when people want to consider, discuss, debate, or simply confirm the terms of the EULA for a given version, […]
Since ColdFusion 10, the CF Administrator has a feature for applying updates to their installed ColdFusion version. This process is generally very easy, but sometimes people face challenges, and there are several resources that can help you find the updates as well as better understand the update process and resolve problems with it, as I discuss here.
Have you needed to convert a CFFUNCTION to a script equivalent function or CFC method, and wondered how you would specify the things which had been attributes to the tag, such as OUTPUT, ROLES, RETURNFORMAT (added in CF8), or RESTPATH (added in CF10), to name just a few? It’s just not obvious. The quick answer is that you specify them AFTER the closing parenthesis which surrounds any arguments to the function. So, for example: public numeric testMethod (numeric arg1) returnFormat=”json” […]