


Larger Certificates (4096) in ColdFusion 2016 SSL database connections

Hello, I am trying to resolve an issue I’m currently having in CF2016. The issue seems to be connecting to an Informix database using a certificate which is larger (4096). Previously, using the same basic connection parameters to an older system, we had had no issues, but the cert was only 1024 in length. In moving to a different host (in a different data center), I am no longer able to connect to this data source. Same CF insatnce, same […]

Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program

Professional certificate program from Adobe for ColdFusion developers. Give your ColdFusion career an edge. Adobe ColdFusion Specialist is a blended learning certificate program, comprising 15+ hours of online videos followed by a day-long, hands-on workshop. Designed for ColdFusion professionals who have basic to advance level proficiency in web designing, HTML and JavaScript. Badge & certificate from Adobe upon successful completion of assessment. Adobe ColdFusion Specialist is co-located at ColdFusion Summit and would be held at The Mirage, Las Vegas on […]

Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store

My experience in converting a .p12 certificate into an X.509 certificate and importing it into the ColdFusion keystore.

Top 9 Tips for Migrating Adobe ColdFusion to the Cloud

Migrating an Adobe ColdFusion website or application to the cloud can open the door to improved scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency. However, the process of migrating a ColdFusion application introduces unique challenges due to its reliance on specific configurations, libraries, and server setups. Whether you are migrating from a traditional on-premises environment, a VPS, or another cloud provider, it’s crucial to understand potential roadblocks and how to address them. In this blog, we’ll focus on the common issues you might encounter […]

Tomcat upgrade with Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release) – What has changed!

Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release) now uses Tomcat 10.1, upgrading from Tomcat 9, and supports servlet specifications 6.0, replacing 4.0.  Why?  Availability of new features – Tomcat 10 introduces many new features, while Tomcat 9 primarily focuses on security updates and vulnerability fixes.   Improved performance  Enhanced security  Compatibility with newer Java applications  Support for newer specifications  Servlet specification upgrade.   Tomcat 9 – Servlet 4.0 API specifications  Tomcat 10.1 – Servlet 6.0 API specifications  What has changed?  This namespace change is part […]

How to upgrade JDK version in ColdFusion Server

Upgrade JDK version ColdFusion Server Updated

Learning about CFML: Resources & Ideas

I’ve been a CFML developer for a long time, as have a lot of you. But everyone can always learn something new. There’s also a new generation of devs hungry for resources to learn about CMFL, figure out how to move over their existing knowledge, or just get certified as they search for their first ColdFusion position. I get a lot of questions about where to go for CFML knowledge, so I thought I might compile a few things here, […]

Issue with ColdFusion 2018 and LDAPS connection via CFLDAP

I am attempting to migrate a CF10 application to CF2018 that uses a CFLDAP call to an Active Directory server and is experiencing failures. We have already used keytool to import the AD server certificate and verified via keytool -list. In addition, we can telnet to <ip address>:636 and connect via openssl s_client -connect <ip address>:636. We use security: CFSSL_BASIC, port 636, and are getting this error on the LDAP call: Detail: One or more of the required attributes may […]

Configuring TLS/SSL and Authentication for Elasticsearch in Performance Monitoring Toolset

ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset uses Elasticsearch 5.6.16 as data store. As vital information about servers are collected and stored in datastore, we need an end to end encryption. Therefore, if you want to configure TLS/SSL and authentication for Elasticsearch, you must make some changes in the following: Elasticsearch Performance Monitoring Toolset JVM 1. Elasticsearch changes Download and install x-pack plugin. Run elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack by navigating to ColdFusion2021PerformanceMonitoringToolset/datastore/bin in terminal. Generate certificates by using certgen in ES. Run certgen at […]