October 15, 2023
CF 2023 issue
October 15, 2023
CF 2023 issue

Coldfusion 2023

I can access my site fine from the server its on with the domain name, login in fine, etc. But when I try from a remote machine on the same network it gives me the login in page, but after that I get the Forbidden message. Thoughts? Logs aren’t given me much…


You don’t have permission to access /page.cfm on this server.

2023-10-24 23:56:00
2023-10-24 23:56:00

Matthew, I seriously doubt this is a cf issue. I’d ask different questions than Priyank did.

First, you refer to cf2023. Had this been a cf app that existed before, running on an older cf version? More important, was that on the same machine or another?

I suspect this is a web server issue. Which do you use, iis or apache? Are you responsible for  it or someone else? Had the cf2023 web server configuration tool been run, to add connections between that web server and cf2023?

And if an older cf version is on the same machine, had the old version’s web server configuration tool been run to REMOVE connections first?

In any case, any prompt to login would seem to be coming from that web server rather than cf itself.

Let us know what you find or know. 

2023-10-24 18:25:27
2023-10-24 18:25:27

Can you please try with default document(index.cfm/default.cfm or whatever you have as a default document) and check if it works.

ex – https://<remote-address> /index.cfm

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