Articles with tag : performance
Traditional spreadsheet operations often faced performance bottlenecks,
especially when handling large .xlsx files. The streaming methods introduced in
ColdFusion 2025 address this by keeping only a small, configurable number of
rows in...
Having a hugs CFSTOREDPROC problem ... do I submit it here? Tried to before but
got an error.
This is my Cfstoredproc:
This is the proc
@abcd int,
@new_temp_id int out
insert into memberResTempID
In this blog, we discuss how to upgrade the latest minor version of JDK(Java
Development Kit) of the ColdFusion server. ColdFusion can run only on top of JDK
or JRE with Server VM. There are two ways to change the JDK or Server JRE of the
ColdFusion ...
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Quick hit blog post here, did you know that ColdFusion can generate CAPTCHA
images for you? While there are, of course, other CAPTCHA image generators &
frameworks out there, if you're just looking for a simple solution, you've
already got one built ...
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From what I understand, the "java.net.http" package has been included in JREs
since Java 11. Coldfusion comes with a Java 17 JRE. However, it seems that there
is no "java.net.http" package available with that JRE as executing the following
produces a...
Someone asked how they could get CF to track the "real" ip address for someone,
when their CF server was operating behind a particular proxy/caching
solution--in their case Cloudflare, but it could happen with any number of such
solutions. Often, suc...
I am using ColdFusion on a website hosting account and mssql (late version). I'm
looking for all instances of the StoryID but I want to display only one record
for each StoryID. The storyid is a uniqueidentifier. Below is my query. It works
but the p...
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Recently I moved to CF2023 from CF2016. When I started using this new ColdFusion
version with my web application, it displays me the below strange text on the
page when it refreshes. I don't see the same with CF2016 version. Why am I
getting this? Is...
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When is ColdFusion 2021 update 16 going to be available to developer users?
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Good morning, I'm trying to create an application that uses the Bouncy Castle
libraries but I can't continue because I get this error. Where am I going wrong?
These are the messages that appear:- JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC-
Cannot invoke...
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I have a site running CF2016 (yes I know we need to upgrade just no time right
now). Trying to connect to an API using CFHTTP and consistently get ssl
handshake errors. Also tried using apache java httpclient directly and same
issue. Not sure how I c...
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ColdFusion v. 2023,0,0,330468 The following code works fine as is unless I try
adding bold formatting to the footer. Then it will show "Page 2 of 1" instead of
"Page 1 of 1". Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there are limitations on
the format...
Anyone know how to setup a Datasource connection to a MS SQL Server 2016 using
Active Directory credentials with CF 2018 enterprise version? Currently we use
DB credentials but the business is moving away from that and wants more secure
AD account co...
Hello, I am working on integrating UPS REST API and getting error message:{"response":{"errors":}}
This is my code:
As you can see I am sending the weight to UPS but for some reason it is not
reading it, any sugges...
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I am struggling to get my websites up and running using sub domains. For
example, customer1.domain.com, customer2.domain.com etc. These sites are working
in IIS using html... https://customer1.domain.com/index.html opens
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