August 9, 2023
Moving CF site to a new server – not working
August 9, 2023
Moving CF site to a new server – not working
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

We are moving all our CF sites from one server to a new one.  I am not a CF developer at all.  Once we move the site to the new server, the page only displays “an error occurred”.  I can confirm that IIS and CF are serving up pages correctly.  I think the issue may be with the application,cfc file, but I am completely unsure.  I’m not sure where to look for log files to troubleshoot either.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2024-04-19 13:31:13
2024-04-19 13:31:13

When it reports to you that “an error occurred”, it would show the reason of why the program is wrong.

There is no harm in posting your error message onto your reply.

Lemme solve it for you.

Nobody would hack you except they have too much leisure time and get bored.

I have turned to other platforms and have given up CF for about two decades.

But I still can help you.

If it didn’t report any error, please switch on the debug mode. It must be distinguished from production mode.

Steven Yang Drinks Coffee
's comment
2024-04-19 14:09:18
2024-04-19 14:09:18
Steven Yang Drinks Coffee
's comment

Steven, to your first two points, semiller had said “the page only displays “an error occurred”.  That absolutely can happen. And it can happen even if cf’s debug output feature is enabled (and for a properly registered ip address, if that’s been limited).

I’ll add now that if indeed cf was involved in the error (that shows nothing but that above) , one should be able to find the cf error message in CF’s application.log file, and still more detail in its exception.log. Both are in cf’s logs folder, at cfusion/logs (or instancename/logs, if using instances).

And FWIW, I’d seen Brian’s reply from the week smiller wrote this 8 months ago,  and I hoped semiller would respond. Perhaps by now they’ve solved the problem or moved on. We’ll see.

2023-08-17 12:42:59
2023-08-17 12:42:59

This really could be any number of things. Are the versions of the OS, web server, and CF server staying the same? Is everything within the CF Admin the same? Are there external resources that might be blocking the new server address? The more information you provide, the more helpful people can be. In the end, you’re probably going to need a CF developer to be involved.

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