April 30, 2021
Bintray decommissioning
April 30, 2021
Bintray decommissioning
Staff 43 posts
Followers: 36 people


On May 1, 2021, all Bintray services will be deprecated, and your accounts will be disabled. For more information, see the official Bintray blog. 

This means that the ColdFusion, Performance Monitoring Toolset, and API Manager containers for the versions 2016/2018/2021 will no longer be accessible. This may lead to interruption in your automation scripts and other CI/CD pipelines.


We have moved all the containers to ColdFusion downloads. You’ll load the tar file in Docker and then run ColdFusion or the other tools. 

Here are the commands: 

  1. Load the ColdFusion tar file, docker load < <name of the tar file> 
  2. Run the container using the command below:
docker container run -dt -p 8501:8500 -v /opt/mywebroot:/app -e acceptEULA=YES -e  password=ColdFusion123 -e importCFSettings=t.json -e installModules=scheduler,cfmongodb coldfusion:latest 


docker container run -dt -p 8501:8500 -v /opt/mywebroot:/app -e acceptEULA=YES -e password=ColdFusion123 -e importCFSettings=t.json -e installModules=scheduler,cfmongodb coldfusion:2021.0.1 

Replace the tag names in Bintray with the ones in Docker. For example, 


docker run -dt -p 8500:8500 -v c:/wwwroot/:/app -e acceptEULA=YES -e password=ColdFusion123 -e enableSecureProfile=true eaps-docker-coldfusion.bintray.io/cf/coldfusion:latest 


docker run -dt -p 8500:8500 -v c:/wwwroot/:/app -e acceptEULA=YES -e password=ColdFusion123 -e enableSecureProfile=true coldfusion:latest

For more information and other commands, see Docker images for ColdFusion.

2021-06-18 11:55:40
2021-06-18 11:55:40

As an update on all this, there’s some good news that has been shared by Adobe elsewhere this week. First, they are indeed working toward getting the images on Dockerhub “very soon”, and in the meantime  we can also get them via a repo on AWS docker registry, called ECR. And I also found that the Bintray images ARE still available, at least for now (but that may well end very soon).

For more info on all the above, I’ve done a blog post here on the CF portal, as well as still another with additional details on my own site (noting as well some some issues that I hope Adobe might get to address.)

Really looking forward to the images being on Dockerhub, of course.

2021-05-01 02:02:17
2021-05-01 02:02:17

How is it that we get this announcement literally THE DAY BEFORE the decomissioning?

2021-04-30 16:19:02
2021-04-30 16:19:02

Ugh, what a bummer (no longer being able to simply do a docker pull, or a docker run pointing to a registry). Having to download the tar, whether in a browser or via wget or curl, is an annoying requirement that is outside the realm of how Docker image processing is designed to work. No more notion of universally agreed on tags, etc.

Sure, doing the two-step dance of some download and then docker load to import to convert the tar.gz to an image isn’t a HUGE PITA, but the concern is about more than “just that”.

Can you PLEASE explain for everyone concerned why it is that you guys don’t simply put these images on DockerHub or literally ANY OTHER public registry? Is it because they all want to charge you? Or they want to charge for bandwidth and you fear it would be expensive?

If that’s the issue, you could also create your OWN hosted Docker registry, on your own servers. There are such installable private registry options to host only your OWN official Docker images, which could be used by us in the public, anonymously (only to pull down, not push up, your images). That would solve the problem…but again being in Docker Hub would do a LOT more to increase the exposure of CF.

Either way, please think twice about leaving it at this current new approach. (If you are considering such alternatives already, I wish you would have said that here for us to know.)

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2021-05-10 00:37:20
2021-05-10 00:37:20
Charlie Arehart
's comment

I agree, this is disappointing and surely not as good for the future of the platform.

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