Here is the much awaited pre-release for ColdFusion Next, code named Project Stratus. All you need to do is, use your Adobe ID to login into the link
This release is clearly a ground breaking release for ColdFusion that will help accelerate the use and relevance of ColdFusion in the coming decade. We at Adobe at super excited at what we are building and I am confident that it will excite you too. Here is the overarching vision for the next version:
“To be the modernized platform of choice for building cloud-native microservice applications with absolute focus on ease of use without getting locked to a particular cloud vendor (multi-cloud).”
The key words that stand out in the above vision are clearly – Microservices, Cloud and Modernized platform.
Under Microservices, we are going all nimble. You will be blown away with the new simplified installer experience and size. We are breaking the entire runtime into tiny modules that will enable you just package the modules that are an absolute must for your application and remove the rest. We also have a powerful configuration tool that will let you setup your servers with ease – all from the command line.
Under cloud, we are focused on providing modules using which you can interact with the popular services provided by AWS and Azure. The interface that we have provided is clearly the most productive than any other AWS SDK or Azure out there. We also push the needle of differentiation by ensuring that the same code for accessing similar services on both AWS and Azure just works out of the box, helping you build truly multi-cloud applications without getting locked into a particular cloud from an application code point of view.
Under Modernized platform, though the features under microservices and cloud by itself add to the modernization, we are also focused on a range of language improvements. Although we have begun work associated with CFSCript 2.0, CFSCript 2.0 will not be part of part of Project Stratus. It will be a part of Project Athena which will be the next major version after Project Stratus.
Overall, I believe we have an exciting public beta where we need your feedback across the three different buckets.
Here is the link again.
The link offered in the blog post fails to get to the prerelease program. Here’s a working one:
It lists any current prerelease programs, including Stratus, until it’s released.
You can install it with Ortus/commandbox too, one simple command:
server start cfengine=adobe@2020-beta
so, I’m here for the docs? Where is the how-to on the cfpm package manager for the different engine modules?
And any links you can provide for the multicloud services? How do you configure access keys for each platform aws or azure?
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