ColdFusion Builder 2018 – Datasource ‘XXX’ could not be found.

I installed ColdFusion 2018 on our Windows 2012 sandbox server with SQL Server 2012 Express installed.  I am able to configure several datasources using the CFAdmin which shows OK as the status.  But when I try using the connection in a cf page from CFBuilder, I get the error, Datasource AP2 could not be found. The error occurred in D:/ColdFusionBuilder2018/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/CFTest1/TestDB.cfm: line 3 1 : // script 2 : <cfscript> 3 : myquery = QueryExecute(‘SELECT * FROM artists’, [], {datasource = ‘AP2’}); […]

Filing issues for things like ColdFusion docs, Docker images, PMT, CFFiddle, and even the bug tracker itself

Did you know you can file bug reports or feature requests not only against CF or CFBuilder, but also for things related to CF like the CF docs, the CF2018 PMT, the CF Docker images, the API Manager, the site, and even Tracker itself? Read on.

Solved: Why won’t ColdFusion Builder accept my serial number?

To license CFBuilder, you need to put in a valid serial number. If you put in one for the wrong product (like CF) or the wrong CFB version, it will reject it as invalid, but it won’t explain why.

Can I use Cold Fusion Builder to auto generate forms and queries?

Back in the earlier days of CF, I was able to generate pages out of CFStudio. I have been away from it for a long time and am wondering if I can do this in CFBuilder 2018.

CF updates temporarily missing. Get them here

While CF updates are temporarily unavailable from Adobe, here’s how to get them.

Hidden Gems in CF2018, part 3 – Security, Performance, and the PMT

Part 3 of the series moves on to covering the new CF2018 Auto Lockdown tool, various performance enhancements, and the new CF2018 Performance Monitoring Toolset (PMT).

On finding what’s new in CF2018 (per the current state of the beta docs)

The public beta of ColdFusion 2018 was released today (Apr 16), and that’s great news. This is not a post about what IS new but instead about how you can find that out for yourself. UPDATE and some great news on this After I posted this entry, Saurav from Adobe did in fact address overnight nearly every concern I had raised in the original post here. Thanks for that fast response! 🙂 So, much of what I said below about “concerns” […]

Opinion: Adobe can Improve the ColdFusion community by providing official support for more code editors.

Adobe has no official plug in for ColdFusion in other code editors like Sublime, VSC, Atom, and Brackets. This should change.

Editing JSON files with ColdFusion Builder

Communication between applications or services have become more common in today’s applications, and one very popular open-standard file format is JSON (Java Script Object Notation). This is a human-readable data interchange text that represents complex data or objects formed by attribute-value pairs. Sometimes you will need to create or edit a .json file in your IDE and the more complex the object, the more difficult is to read it if it is not properly formatted, to assist you in this […]

Did you know there’s a free “express” edition of ColdFusion Builder?

Did you know there’s an available free “Express” edition of ColdFusion Builder? You may already know there’s an available 60-day trial, but I’m not talking about that (which gives you full access to all features of CFBuilder for 60 days). Instead, I’m talking about the Express edition, which is entirely free, even for production use. There’s no separate installer for it. Instead, the way it works is that after that 60-day trial is over, if you don’t add a license […]

Did you know that ColdFusion Builder 2016 is included with your purchase CF 2016?

I see people asking this occasionally, so it bears pointing out here in the portal: ColdFusion Builder 2016 is included with your purchase CF 2016. Let me quote one of the questions and answers from Adobe’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for ColdFusion Builder 2016: Is ColdFusion Builder 2016 included with Adobe ColdFusion 2016? Yes. ColdFusion Builder 2016 is included with both Adobe ColdFusion 2016 Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition. You get three licenses of ColdFusion Builder 2016 with Adobe ColdFusion […]

What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017?

Hello ColdFusion community.  Over the years I’ve used several different integrated development environment (IDE) tools for my ColdFusion projects.  Here’s a brief timeline of the IDEs that I’ve used over time in chronological order: Macromedia/Adobe Dreamweaver CFEclipse CFBuilder IntelliJ IDEA I feel like each IDE that I’ve used over time served a purpose.  Dreamweaver, for example, was a great learning tool and for someone just starting to learn web design, the “design view” and integrated FTP synchronization was a valuable […]