I have the following code <cfscript> data = [‘2342bas’, ‘asqwerewq’, ‘12314’, 12421, 1.1]; newdata = arrayNew[‘Numeric’](1); for (item in data) { newdata.append(val(item)); } writedump(newdata); newdata = []; for (item in data) { newdata.append(val(item)); } writedump(newdata); </cfscript> This result in Not sure this is wrong, but it is interesting
Topics covered i18n reading PHP files Cacheing data cgi.http_accept_language Resources https://github.com/jmohler1970/i18n_demo https://github.com/jmohler1970/i18n http://get-simple.info/extend/ https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-c-d/CachePut.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54357098/how-to-use-org-apache-commons-configuration-with-coldfusion
There are so many ways to getting a Primary Key from a table right after an INSERT, which should you use? Trick question. You get it when you do the INSERT, not after. Resources https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1360453/how-do-i-insert-into-a-table-and-get-back-the-primary-key-value https://github.com/jmohler1970/TSQL_gettingPK
Note: I should have pointed out that all this is built into ColdFusion. There is no downloading, installing, or configuring. Introduction Any input that your website accepts has to treated as if it were hostile and / or malformed. The Open Web Applications Security Project (OWASP) has a collection of recommendations and Java utilities to help protect against these threats. ColdFusion, being powered by Java, also has these functions. Use them! https://github.com/jmohler1970/Owasp https://github.com/ESAPI/esapi-java https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-c-d/Canonicalize.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-to-right_mark https://github.com/jmohler1970/FormUtils
Hurray. Last video in this series! After working with Buefy and Bulma and experiencing some of what they have to offer, I decided to make a bit of a U-turn. I was drawn to Bulma because of its CSS only approach, but Javascript got added right back in via VueJS and Buefy. I don’t see the CSS only approach as being particularly powerful. So back to Bootstrap I go Resources https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/ https://www.bootswatch.com
I am going to argue against data normalization and I am going to be using traffic tracking as an example. I am going to introduce some better approaches to get the job done. I was thinking of all kinds of titles for this video Don’t normalize that data Intro to DB Compression Normalization is not the answer Stop wasting your time with normalization Traffic tracking for the rest of us How I learned to stop worrying and learn to love data compression […]
I talked a lot about Buefy in video 8, but I didn’t have a chance to dive into the HTML. Rather than having a long video, I split it at the end of the `assets/app.js` discussion. Patterns VueJS `{{ }}` ie `{{login_token}}` `v-` ie `v-model` `@something` ie `@click` `:something` ie `:class=”showhide”` Bulma <div class=”container”> <div class=”columns”> <div class=”column”> Buefy <b-input v-model.trim=”captcha” id=”captcha” > </b-input> Resources: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/11/vuejs-for-coldfusion-programmers-first-10-minutes/ https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/installation.html https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/instance.html https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/events.html Source Code: https://github.com/jmohler1970/Taffy_withUI
ROT13_Demo Demonstrates a ROT13 library What is ROT13? ROT13 stands for Rotate 13. It takes every character in a string and moves it down the alphabet 13 places. If it falls off the end it wrap around to the front. It is the quintessential bad encryption algorithm. Why 13 places? It serves as its own decrypter. Resources https://github.com/jmohler1970/ROT13_Demo https://github.com/jmohler1970/ROT13 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/rot13 https://cflib.org/udf/Rot13 (Original)
We have been at this for a couple of months, so it is really exciting to finally have a functioning application to show. Everything up until now has been changes to database, changes to beans, changes to resources, changes to `application.cfc`. But there has been no UI to speak of; that was deliberate. There is a wall between front end and back end development. This has some consequences. We are not going to be asking ColdFusion to generate HTML. It […]
Changes include Updating DB schema Updating Bean/Entity New Taffy endpoint for loggin in Validating taken Granting and denying access Resources https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-a-b/arrayfilter.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53404670/passing-data-to-a-member-functions-that-uses-a-function/53405539 https://github.com/jmohler1970/Taffy_withUI