July 12, 2018
New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps
July 12, 2018
New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps

Today, we’re very excited to announce the 2018 release of Adobe ColdFusion. This release builds on Adobe’s industry-leading solution for creating and deploying scalable, high-performing web applications in CFML. Now in ColdFusion, we’ve added an all-new Performance Monitoring Toolset, a standalone server with low overhead to control and optimize applications and a new auto lockdown installer to help increase security in the Production Server. In addition, web developers can now boost the performance of their applications by taking advantage of Asynchronous programming and various other language enhancements. And, upgrading to the 2018 release immediately allows applications to run 30 percent faster.

“The enormous digital transformation that we are witnessing around us has made it an absolute necessity for organizations to quickly adapt to changing market developments,” said Tridib Roy Chowdhury, senior director of products, Print and Publishing, Adobe. “A secure platform, that is not only productive but also one that performs and scales well under variable demands, will lie at the heart of digital transformations happening in all organizations. The new features of Adobe ColdFusion platform provide our users, the much-needed tools and capabilities to handle the pace and scale of such a transformation”

“Market America|SHOP.COM generates $800 million in revenue annually and applications we’ve built with Adobe ColdFusion help drive that revenue,” said Kent Shelton, Senior Director of Architecture and Engineering, Market America|SHOP.COM. “Upgrading to the latest version of Adobe ColdFusion will allow us to continue optimizing revenue-generating applications for speed, high availability, and responsive design for any device.”

New ColdFusion updates include:

  • Performance Monitoring Toolset: ColdFusion users can now assess the health of the system with the all-new Performance Monitoring Toolset. Flag performance issues and isolate problem areas so that you can initiate corrective action much faster. Know the average response time and throughput across the cluster or specific to a node, application, or page, in real time. Swiftly identify and resolve complex performance issues buried deep in your code. Get the detailed information required to pinpoint the root cause of bottlenecks, and troubleshoot applications more effectively.
  • Asynchronous programming: ColdFusion now makes it simple to make an Asynchronous call without the overhead of managing multiple threads. Boost the performance of your principal application by offloading resource-intensive code segments to a secondary thread.
  • REST Playground: Developers can now create and manage all their REST services from a single application. The simple, intuitive UI makes it a breeze to validate the accuracy of APIs. Make changes to the REST APIs without having to restart the application.
  • Server Auto Lockdown: ColdFusion System Administrators could more easily make their servers Production ready by running the auto lockdown installer. This helps implement the lockdown of production servers with a single click. All steps in the lockdown guide will be systematically followed, helping to improve security and help gain compliance.
  • API Management Platform: ColdFusion Enterprise users can use the new support for data transformation and threat protection to change the behavior of their APIs. It also supports Multitenancy which would aid to maximize resource sharing among tenants even while providing an isolated view for each.

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Pricing and Availability

The latest version of Adobe ColdFusion is immediately available worldwide. Full license pricing ranges from US$2,499 for ColdFusion Standard Edition to US$9,499 for ColdFusion Enterprise Edition. ColdFusion Builder is priced at US$299 and upgrade pricing is available on all editions.

2018-07-22 20:52:03
2018-07-22 20:52:03

Is PMT available in Developer edition? This would be a useful debugging/insight tool while developing things.

Jim Priest
's comment
2018-07-22 21:31:22
2018-07-22 21:31:22
Jim Priest
's comment

Jim, yes it is.

2018-07-17 15:57:46
2018-07-17 15:57:46

[…] has announced the 2018 release of Adobe ColdFusion. According to a post on its site, this release builds on Adobe’s industry-leading solution for creating and deploying scalable, […]

2018-07-16 18:59:03
2018-07-16 18:59:03

Ugh, that’s odd. It seems the “previous comment” I just referred to is awaiting moderation while that one referring to it was NOT held up. Perhaps it’s because the longer comment had links in it.

For the sake of those confused by this (especially if the threading doesn’t put things in the right order), the “previous comment” I refer to is the one I wrote that starts “Can anyone confirm whether the PMT is in Enterprise-only or Standard also?”

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2018-07-17 13:46:31
2018-07-17 13:46:31
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Your previous comment is approved.
PMT is available for both standard and Enterprise customers.

's comment
2018-07-17 13:52:16
2018-07-17 13:52:16
's comment

Thanks, Rahul. Users of Standard will rejoice.

But again, I asked for confirmation about 3 other features also, and as important, about correcting the feature guide page that led to the confusion.

2018-07-16 18:51:54
2018-07-16 18:51:54

BTW, if I *AM* reading things right (per my last comment), is it in fact the case that there is nothing new in CF2018 that is Enterprise-only? That would be encouraging for some to hear.

2018-07-16 18:49:51
2018-07-16 18:49:51

Can anyone confirm whether the PMT is in Enterprise-only or Standard also? It seems to be in both, judging from various resources (like the docs on it, https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/performance-monitoring-toolset/overview-coldfusion-performance-monitoring-toolset.html) as well as the main product buying guide (https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-family/buying-guide.html), which say it’s in both.

But then while the buying guide for the Enterprise edition (https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-enterprise/buying-guide.html) lists it (and its features), the buying guide for the Standard edition (https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-standard/buying-guide.html) DOES NOT list it, which would imply it’s not.

But then it’s also listed on the Standard edition “features” page (https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-standard/features.html).

I’d just like to hear clear confirmation from someone rather than try to interpret the inconsistency.

But then the same question stands for the Auto Lockdown tool, Distributed Caching (multiple engines), REPL, and REST Playground features. The Ent Buying Guide lists them, but not the general buying guide (first link above) nor the Std Buying Guide page–though they are all listed on the Std Features page.

Perhaps it’s simply that the Enterprise Buying guide listing them (and the General and Standard buying guide NOT listing these things) is just a mistake that will be corrected soon.


2018-07-14 10:19:39
2018-07-14 10:19:39

Just realized I was playing w/ a CF Aether logo design July 10, 2017 and here Aether was released almost exactly 1 year later 🙂 Cool stuff.


2018-07-14 10:07:36
2018-07-14 10:07:36


I get such an adrenaline rush after each PR, when the new CF version releases! I should be sleeping, but now I must jam this tune!

Whatever it takes
‘Cause we love the adrenaline in our veins
We do whatever it takes
‘Cause we love how it feels when we break the chains
Whatever it takes
CF take us to the top
We’re ready for whatever it takes
‘Cause we love the adrenaline in our veins
We do what it takes

Thanks CF Team and Adobe for again offering a Public Beta! So many new features to play with and.. that PMT is GOLD!


2018-07-13 03:25:03
2018-07-13 03:25:03

What are the plans to support Windows Server 2019, which launches this year?

2018-07-12 21:17:11
2018-07-12 21:17:11

The download page only allows for CF 2016 release. Where are the 2018 downloads?

Peter Tilbrook
's comment
2018-07-12 21:22:02
2018-07-12 21:22:02
Peter Tilbrook
's comment
's comment
2018-07-12 21:32:03
2018-07-12 21:32:03
's comment

Thanks. They need to update the CF Builder download page – says 2016 release but when the download starts is 2018 release. I bet CF2018 still contains CF2016 branding however.

2018-07-12 19:39:31
2018-07-12 19:39:31

Please make the new EULA available so we can examine differences.

's comment
2018-07-12 21:14:05
2018-07-12 21:14:05
's comment

Even though there’s not a link to it, this file appears to contain the 2018 license:


I just diffed the full text to the 2016 license and there are only a few very minor wording changing and punctuation. No significant changes at all that I could find at least from a legal perspective. I was hoping there would be some new stuff regarding containerization in there.

2018-07-12 15:36:13
2018-07-12 15:36:13

First off great work on the CF development team. Keeping it up to date keeps the technology alive.

Having said that, IMHO, it could have used another beta release. Given the number of outstanding issues, I would recommend to my leadership to hold off until update 1.

When that happens, I look forward to having unqualified enthusiasm for this version of CF.

2018-07-12 14:43:07
2018-07-12 14:43:07

You STILL can’t use CF with Office 365 or gSuite. It’s 2018 for crying outloud. Bug CF-4198746. I may consider upgrading when it’s fixed. That is all.

Mozus Media
's comment
2018-07-12 19:46:59
2018-07-12 19:46:59
Mozus Media
's comment

Richard Orchard I hear you. I filled out this issue very early in development . Sorry to hear it wasn’t taken seriously.

2018-07-12 11:55:27
2018-07-12 11:55:27


It was strange that I was re-downloading the ColdFusion Builder 2016 Trial onto a Dell Precision system and was surprised to see this overnight. I haven’t slept much but noticed something new going on – now I know.

Lets check it all out.


Phil Chrisman

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