June 27, 2023
Fix for CF Issue 4211276 (MariaDB/mySQL Date error)
Posting some information here about an issue related to mySQL date errors in CF2021.
Error posted here: CF-4211276 | Tracker (adobe.com)
The thread is a long one, but these items should focus it down to a concise solution.
- If you are encountering this issue in CF2023, adding Dcoldfusion.jdbc.mysql.datetime.str=true to the JVM arguments should resolve the issue.
- For CF2021, there are the following patches available:
2021: https://cfdownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/coldfusion/PR/cf2021/patches/4211276/hf202100-4211276.jar
2018: https://cfdownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/coldfusion/PR/cf2021/patches/4211276/hf201800-4211276.jar - The detail with the “two different JVM arguments” comes from a custom patch that was released to some customers, but most will not be affected.
If these items do not solve your problems as specified in the tracker ticket, please reach out to cfsup@adobe.com to get further help.
1 Comment
Jul 11, 2023
Thanks Mark!!! Finally got this working
Your patch download link file is physically different to the patch attached to the tracker of the same name (70+ binary differences). Never worked fully with the tracker patch, but with your download link is working fully on CF2021.
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