April 18, 2022
ColdFusion Websocket requires restart at a random timeline
April 18, 2022
ColdFusion Websocket requires restart at a random timeline
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello support,

Is there a Websocket setting to avoid the following issue: After a random amount of time after things are working well (minutes to days), clients will instantly connect but will no longer get the success publish until things are restarted again. This means they aren’t truly subscribed to the channel anymore and no updates come through?

This is a websocket with proxy setup from ColdFusion admin page. We’re using CF 2018.

Thanks in advanced!


Thao Pham

1 Comment
Apr 21, 2022
Apr 21, 2022

There is no such setting that I know of, Tuan/Thao, and I would suggest the solution is to go about actually diagnosing the problem (rather than putting hope in some setting), as I discussed in the forum thread where you participated in earlier this week, and I offered more there.

I’d also asked there specifically what you “restarted” (which you said helped as a temporary workaround). That could be a clue as to what’s amiss (but maybe not). Anyway, please offer the answer to that there, for the sake of those who see that discussion and not this one.

I realize you’re posting here out of desperation, hoping that somehow someone else here may see it who did not see it there. Perhaps, but if not, again short of anyone offering the magic bullet of some setting, I’ll repeat that with so many variables it won’t likely be easily solved in such back and forth here, so if you really want to diagnose and solve the problem, I am available to help. (When I have solutions, I do offer them. Some problems don’t have such obvious solutions.)

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