I have an application that uses the Full text search engine and SQL Server. I cannot for a good example of how to set up the cold fusions add-ons and get it to work within a container. Noting I have tried appears to work. The cold fusion container writes this to the log until it exceeds the max allowed.
[000][http://:/solr] Checking addons startup status…
I just need an example of how to get it to connect remotely as I need the collection to run the application.
I am back to looking at this. I have SQL Sevrer included as different versions of the application are running on different versions of SQL Sever. So these allows me to have an instance per version. SQL Server is not the issue. The issue is I need SOLR for its full text search capabilities. I am still seeing issues getting it to run in the same container.
iclark, as I replied to you in August here, I offer an example of integrating cf and solr among the many examples in my awesome cf compose github repo. Have you tried that? I’m open to any feedback and will correct anything about them that doesn’t work.
I am having the same issue. On initial build I have SQL Server, Cold Fusion, Cold Fusion Addons (Need SOLR) and Mail hog.
I have a car file for ColdFusion and while it excepts most of my settings the SOLR comes up as localhost and I cannot see any collections or the ability to add them. I named the addons container cfaddons and if I change the setting for solr to this. I can see the page to add a collection. A couple of times I have been able to add one but usually get an error and the Addons log gives me what appears to be a permissions error. I have dropped and recreated the containers multiple times and only once was I able to get the collections to work (not sure what if anything I did to correct it). But I need to be able to build multiple versions of these containers and I have yet to build a stable one. I also have seen the error above in my cold fusion logs and eventually cold fusion will exit (crash the container). I have not been able to find a working example of how to set this up so it works. I have reached out to Adobe but as of yet no response. I have seen Charlies examples, but it is not detailed enough to get it working.
As a side note my settings include the new JVM flags for the latest patches ( that I need so I don’t have to rework a bunch of code) so while the buld process appears to set these from the CAR file and restart I actually have to open a terminal on the container navigate to the bin direcotry and do ./cfstop.sh and ./cfstart.sh for them to actually take! I should not need to do that. Although it is not a major inconvenience the inability to use SOLR is going to stop me unless I can solve it. So a good working example would really be appreciated…
Ian, my repo has examples of each thing you mention: using the add-ons, using a car file, setting jvm args, and much more.
Yet you say they they’re not detailed enough. What detail do you feel is missing? The entire point of the repo is that these are examples that work. If they don’t, I fix them. 🙂
FWIW, no single example does all these things above because if I did that for all the things I show examples for, the number of permutations could get crazy. I give you the basic building blocks that you should be able to easily put together.
So please confirm if you’ve tried any that don’t work. Then feel free to offer what doesn’t, even when you combine things. You can offer that feedback here or there.
I don’t disagree that when things go wrong, it can be hard to diagnose–and especially in containers, for many reasons. But I can always get to the bottom of such problems. That’s what I do for a living. And while I can also help either of you directly/quickly via remote screenshare consulting, I appreciate you may not feel like paying for that help (carehart.org/consulting)–especially when you may feel the problem is “not your fault but Adobe’s”. Let’s see about that.
As I said to iclark, share (carefully) what you have that doesn’t work. If you pare down your own dockerfile or compose file to the least you need to demonstrate what doesn’t work, that should be only dozens of lines–just like all my examples.
And once we see what’s amiss and get you going, we can discuss how I or anyone else following along went about understanding and resolving your problem. I appreciate how valuable that alone could be.
That said, if you would start with one of my working ones (confirming it works as-is, then adding/comparing your changes), you may readily spot some difference that explains what’s amiss for you.
I do sincerely want to help here.
There is no need of the add-ons feature for a cf container to access sql server. Are you choosing to enable one of the environment variables related to it? If so, why.
If not, you may want to share (carefully) what you’re using for your docker config info for the container and env vars, whether a dockerfile, a compose file, or whatever you’re using to run the container.
FWIW, I offer dozens of examples of cf container configuration options–as compose and/or dockerfiles, at my awesome cf compose repo. Note that I do offer examples using the add-ons, where doing that makes sense.
Let us know if any of this gets you going.
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