August 14, 2024
ColdFusion 2023 cfhtmltopdf Footer Page Number Problem with Formatting
August 14, 2024
ColdFusion 2023 cfhtmltopdf Footer Page Number Problem with Formatting
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

ColdFusion v. 2023,0,0,330468

The following code works fine as is unless I try adding bold formatting to the footer.  Then it will show “Page 2 of 1” instead of “Page 1 of 1”.  Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there are limitations on the formatting in the footer?  Is there a workaround to get it bold?  I’ve tried using both a CSS class and inline CSS within a <span> tag, as well as using the <b></b> tag, to turn the footer bold, but each option throws the page numbering off in the resultant PDF file.

<cfhtmltopdfitem type=”footer” align=”center” showonprint=”yes” evalAtPrint=”true” numberformat=”numeric”>
        <b>Page <cfoutput>#cfhtmltopdf.currentPageNumber# of #cfhtmltopdf.totalPageCount#</cfoutput></b>
2024-08-15 14:17:29
2024-08-15 14:17:29

I see that you raised this on the Adobe cf community forums as well, and you’ve since gotten a reply from bkbk that readers here will want to consider:

2024-08-15 13:44:09
2024-08-15 13:44:09

Before considering the details, I notice first that the cf version number you report indicates you have not applied any updates at all to cf2023. There have been 8 updates so far, and some of them have included bug fixes–indeed dozens in total.

This issue could have been fixed by one of them. Can you clarify if that’s intentional? Even if you only have production and “can’t update it”, have you implemented a local cf (which is free)? You could update that and test if it would fix things–and you could easily uninstall the update if it didn’t, but you wanted your local to match your non-updated prod environment.

You might want to ask me, “but does the problem happen for you?” Unfortunately I’m on a phone as I read this. And I am offering my reply to help you and other readers with suggestions that could help even beyond this one problem. 🙂 

Let us know what you think. Your reply would at least toggle me to check into this again when I’m at a computer–if someone else doesn’t chime in to help you before then. 

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