January 24, 2024
Coldfusion 2023 throws a 500 error in IIS
January 24, 2024
Coldfusion 2023 throws a 500 error in IIS

I have a Dev server running Windows Server 2016 standard.  It has plenty of disk space and RAM.  I’ve been running CF2018 on it for years.  On Monday, I attempted to install CF2023.  the install went well (no obvious errors) and the CF administrator ran just fine, so I was able to complete the set up (configuring our DB connection for example).

I then ran the web server configuration tool which said there was already a connection set up, so I removed the connection the CF2018 had and then set up the CF2023 configuration.  I checked the ISAPI filter and the Handler Mappings, and the Jakarta virtual directory and they all point to the CF2023 installation.

All that said, I get a 500 error whenever I make a request for a Coldfusion resourse.  The IIS logs say the status is 500 0 193.  The ‘193’ indicates:


193 (0xC1)

%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

If there were a problem with the first install package I downloaded, I downloaded a second installer, uninstalled everything, reinstalled (as admin) and am still getting the same error.

I’m not sure what step to take next.

2024-01-31 17:42:59
2024-01-31 17:42:59

Thanks. That was it (changing the setting of ‘Enable 32-Bit Applications’ to ‘false’). Below is what I had written before realizing it was solved, but I leave it in case it may help others.

Responding with your numbers:

  1. The site was existing as a CF2018 site. We skipped CF2021 all together.
  2. The site is in the ‘DefaultAppPool’. In Advanced Settings, the ‘Enable 32-Bit Applications’ is set to ‘true’. Changing to ‘false’ causes the sc-win32-status to go from 193 to 0. I’m still getting a 500 error.
  3. There was no specific reason for the ‘Enable 32-Bit Applications’ to be set to ‘true’.
  4. The CF2018 ISAPI filter used to be configured, but it is not any longer.   As a matter of fact, I completely removed CF2018 in hopes of removing any configurations that might be causing a conflict.
  5. Setup another site and added the ‘jakarta’ virtual directory; AND… the site loaded and responded to requests for CF pages as intended. Went back to the desired site and still got a 500 0 0 error.  So I sat and thought…

I then opened the CF Admin and checked the datasources and discovered one was locked, which I unlocked and updated the password in the admin. Tried the desired site again; AND…the site loaded just fine.

So again in the end changing the setting of ‘Enable 32-Bit Applications’ to ‘false’ seems to have solved the problem. Thank you for your assistance.

's comment
2024-01-31 21:01:16
2024-01-31 21:01:16
's comment

Good to hear and glad to have helped.

You might want to edit your prior reply to convey at the top that the problem is resolved. It wasn’t clear until the end. 🙂 That might leave some who stop reading all of it to offer still more “ideas” for you.

If you may say you don’t have the ability to edit your reply, let me know (as a reply here) and I can tweak that for you.

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2024-01-31 22:44:06
2024-01-31 22:44:06
Charlie Arehart
's comment


It would be a good idea to add a note at the top of my comment stating that the problem was resolved.  As you suspected, I do not see a place to edit the comment.  Feel free to update my comment.

's comment
2024-01-31 22:54:41
2024-01-31 22:54:41
's comment

OK, done. Yep, as a recognized “Adobe Community Professional”/ACP I’m given some latitude/permission to make such changes…which I do only VERY rarely (like a couple times a year, if that–and I usually ask the writer for their ok first.)

2024-01-29 20:03:27
2024-01-29 20:03:27

I’ve not ever seen THAT error with CF and iis, but I’ll offer a few ideas/questions:

  1. This site that fails as cf2023, was it existing when you were running it with cf2021? Or is it a new site?
  2. Look at the site’s advanced settings to see what app pool it’s using, and then look at that app pool’s advanced settings to see whether it’s running as 32-bit true. If so, does it work if you make it false?
  3. And if it was true, do you have an intentional reason to run it that way? If so, the cf web server config tool offers a checkbox to enable a new connector as 32-bit (most folks would NOT want to check that.)
  4. Do you have any other “isapi filters” configured for the site in question?
  5. And if you create a new site, does that work? You’ll need to run the wsconfig tool to connect that new site, or add a jakarta folder manually if “all sites” are configured to use one connector. I’d recommend you also point that new site to a different web root from any existing site, so they don’t share the same web.config file.

Let us know if any of these help, or what you may learn.

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