March 30, 2023
Does coldusion is compatible with weblogic 141.c
March 30, 2023
Does coldusion is compatible with weblogic 141.c
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We have recently upgraded our weblogic version to weblogic 14.1c.

We are using using Coldfusion version along with the weblogic.

We are using railo engine “Railo final” to run coldfusion applications.

Some of Applications using coldbox framework are not working.

Can someone please explain if “ColdFusion® compatibilty version” code will work with weblogic 14.1c and Redhat Release 8.7 oopta

1 Comment
2023-04-04 13:08:21
2023-04-04 13:08:21

No. You will need to move to CF2021 to get 14c support.

FWIW, both ColdFusion 9 and Railo are VERY OLD (from the first decade of the century) and last got updates in 2014. (And it’s very risky to be running those, as they have not gotten the several dozen security updates/fixes offered with later versions.)

Adobe didn’t even add 14c support to cf2018, as you can see in its support matrix doc here, And as it’s end of life is in July (5 years after its release, as is Adobe’s approach), we can assume it won’t be added.

But again, CF2021 DOES support 14c, as indicated here:

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