Upgrade CF 11 to 2021 on Mac
I have ColdFusion 11 Update 19 running on a Mac OS (Monterey version 12.6). I would like to upgrade it straight to ColdFusion version 2021. Is this technically feasible?
If not what is the best recommended way to uninstall CF11 and install CF2021? I would prefer to do a clean installation where there are no unused files hanging around.
Hello, thank you for those explanations. I see it’s technically better to re-install CF from scratch than to upgrade from the 11 to the 2021 CF version. But, if we have the 11 one, could we just buy the upgrade or do we have to buy a full new 2021 version ? Thank you! Emmanuel
Thank you Very much for your guidance and insight. I attempted to perform the upgrade as you recommended, It did not go as smooth as i hoped, since i was not too deep into my developmental environment, I decided to un-install both CF 11 and CF 2021 and perform a clean install. I did back up everything before attempting the upgrade, so i am happy about that. I am re-configuring my entire development environment, which now includes VS Code and installing Adobe ColdFusion Builder Extension which i am having issues configuring. I will create a new post on the issues i am facing maybe you or someone can help with that configuration.
There is no upgrade feature. You will install the new version, alongside the old. If the old is running when you install the new, the new will use ports that are incremented by 1 over what the old used.
Then on first run of the new cf admin, it will offer to import the cf admin settings from the old. (This is whether the old cf is running or not.)
Finally, to connect the new cf to your web server (Apache, I assume), you’d need to run the old cf’s wsconfig tool to REMOVE that version’s config from the web server. Only THEN could you run the NEW version’s wsconfig, to connect the web server to it.
After all that’s done and working (and confirmed so for days or weeks), only THEN could you safely uninstall the old cf version. Then after that you could delete any files that remained in the folder for that old version. That said, I’d recommend instead that you copy/move them somewhere, in case you may find you DO somehow still need files that were there, which then you could move into the new cf version. (I’ve seen that happen, for various reasons.)
Let us know how you go. There’s of course more I could say on each point above. I will note that the cf docs do cover all these points in various places and in more detail, but no single resource covers it all in one place.
(I sense this is your developer machine, so you may not want to pay for help on this, but just know that if you do, I can offer it via remote screenshare consulting. I help people do such “upgrades” about weekly.)
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