August 29, 2022
Unable to install CF2021 on MacOS BigSur 11.5.1
August 29, 2022
Unable to install CF2021 on MacOS BigSur 11.5.1
I am working with ColdFusion Support team.
Staff 17 posts
Followers: 13 people

While installing CF2021 on MacOS Big Sur 11.5.1, users are getting this error message –  “libjvm.dylib” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. Even after Allowing this from Security, it does not let users install it.

Here are a few simple steps to install it.

Eject the current installer.

  1. Launch the terminal and type this command xattr -rc <ColdFusion2021_xxxx.dmg file location>.
  2. Once you run this command, Run the installer and see if that works.
  3. In case, you will still see the issue. Make sure to unmount the CF installer in Mac and then run the command and try to install it again.
  4. Go to Preferences/Security& Privacy/General, and “Allow anyway” shows up.  Click on continue. It will work.

I hope these will help you install CF on MacOS. Feel free to leave a comment, in case you face any issues.

P.S. – CF2021 does not support macOS Monterey.

2023-06-15 16:06:00
2023-06-15 16:06:00

For those newbies to the Mac like me, in terminal I typed the following so it would work.

xattr -rc /Users/azwb/Downloads/ColdFusion_2021_GUI_WWEJ_osx10.dmg

2022-09-11 21:34:19
2022-09-11 21:34:19

Many thanks Priyank – that worked for me and my 2020 M1 MacBook Air.

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