June 21, 2022
Need to move a Coldfusion 2016 Standard license from current server to new one
June 21, 2022
Need to move a Coldfusion 2016 Standard license from current server to new one
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Need to move a Coldfusion 2016 Standard license from current server to new system? I’m a New Developer, how should I proceed?

2022-07-12 01:25:19
2022-07-12 01:25:19

Richard, good news: in any version of cf, you can find the license key string for cf in the cfusion/lib folder’s license.properties file, where among its few lines is one starting sn=. That has the license key, if any is implemented.

You can simply copy the value and use it on the new server, assuming you no longer use the license still in prod on the old server. You can either use it when installing cf there, or by placing it in the cf admin “system information” page (the “i” icon in the top right of the cf admin), or by placing it in the same line for the same file in the new cf server, then restart cf.

Finally, for future readers who may find this question, note that in cf2021 there is now a) a new page in the admin to put in the license key (“licensing and activation”, last option on the left), and b) a license will also be “activated” at that time, assuming it is able to be. And a license can be deactivated there also. See the cf2021 docs for more on that activation process, including foe servers that are “not online”.

Let us know how it goes, Richard.

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2022-07-12 04:06:51
2022-07-12 04:06:51
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Hey Charlie

Is it still true with 2021 that with a license key you can have two installs, one for production and one for development?  I remember that was true for older versions.



Grae Desmond
's comment
2022-07-12 04:36:21
2022-07-12 04:36:21
Grae Desmond
's comment

This is covered in the EULA. My read is that for each Enterprise license, yes, once per each license bought. For Standard, it’s once for each TWO licenses bought.

Of course, the free Developer edition remains free, and differences are again covered in the EULA (primarily, the free edition limits concurrent requests to at most 2 ip addresses).

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2022-07-12 13:50:14
2022-07-12 13:50:14
Charlie Arehart
's comment

So, just to be sure I am reading it right, if I have a standard license I can only use it once which would be on my production server.  I would need a separate license for my dev serve.  If I had an enterprise license then I could use that same key on my production server and my dev server.

With moving to CommandBox and developing directly on my machine more, the two IP address restriction isn’t as big of a deal as it used to be on the dev server but I still have had instances of more than two people evaluating a dev site before promoting it so was hoping that two installs per license was still in effect.

Thanks, the license stuff gets confusing and I didn’t even know that option was there in older version till I read one of your older blog posts.

Grae Desmond
's comment
2022-07-12 15:01:08
2022-07-12 15:01:08
Grae Desmond
's comment

Well, again let’s be clear that we are NOT talking about the Developer edition. That remains free. You are asking about putting a CF license on what you deem to be a “dev server”. And yes, if you have a SINGLE Standard license, then you can use it only once (like on your prod server).

And as for your having “people evaluating a dev site before promoting it”, note that that is covered ALSO in the EULA, with respect to whether folks only INSIDE your network may legally access a CF server running the Dev edition or as a Dev server.

Again, folks should read/trust the EULA over what I/we may say. But that’s how I read it.

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2022-07-12 15:34:49
2022-07-12 15:34:49
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Yep, this is all internal when we are just building and evaluating.  Thanks for the clarification and entertaining what are probably pretty redundant questions by now.  I went back through your presentation and reread the multiple slides on licensing again between our posts.

Thanks for all you do.

Grae Desmond
's comment
2022-07-12 15:42:00
2022-07-12 15:42:00
Grae Desmond
's comment

Thanks for the kind regards. This stuff does confuse people, and I enjoy helping clarify things. (That said, this topic got pretty far afield from the original post here. In the future, I’d propose to anyone wanting to expand on this or branch off into other licensing matters should really create a new “discussion”.)

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