Moving to step 1 of SAML setup
Hello! I am working to put my web application behind a single sign-on, using the SAML feature in CF 2021.
I am hoping to authenticate with CAS, which is run by the University where I work.
Has anyone here used CF 2021 SAML to authenticate to CAS? I am brand new to using SAML, so all of it is very foreign to me.
Frankly, there are so many things I don’t know that I am not sure where to start. But setting up my ‘SP Configuration’ would be great.
Like- do I need to get a file from my identity provider?
Anyone willing to help set up SAML, or send a screenshot of their SP config so I can try to figure this out?
For the integration to work you will need configuration from the IDP (Identity Provider), and the Identity Provider needs configuration (public keys, urls) from your CF app the SP. They will then load your config into the IDP so it knows about your SP app. The XML metadata file is usually the easiest way to do this, you can load in the IDP metadata into the CF Administrator, and create your SP and export your metadata from there as well.
Have you seen this article:
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