September 16, 2021
cfexchangeconnection does not work with Exchange Online / EWS 365
September 16, 2021
cfexchangeconnection does not work with Exchange Online / EWS 365
Newbie 1 posts
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we have an older internal application that is still running on coldfusion 2016 (not so easy to update because of using Coldbox and other frameworks). And we need to move the connection from our OnPrem Exchange (which is working fine) to the 365 cloud. But it doesn’t work and I read that cfexchangeconnection doesn’t work at all with Exchange Cloud, is this true? Is there another solution for Coldfusion 2016?

I am grateful for any information and help

2022-11-13 23:21:07
2022-11-13 23:21:07

Microsoft has disabled basic Auth making the tag not work.  Check out this post,  Adobe is working on a fix.  It is moving to beta, hoping for a release in the next couple months.

More on Microsoft’s announcement:


2022-03-11 16:06:15
2022-03-11 16:06:15

I have same issue.

We have just migrated from local exchange server to Office 365 and cfexchangeconnection doesn’t work anymore.

The error message I get is : Could not connect to the exchange server with the credentials. The remote server returned an error: (401)Unauthorized

We are using Coldfusion 11 and Java jdk1.8.0_66

's comment
2022-03-11 17:57:16
2022-03-11 17:57:16
's comment

Both your cf and Java are several years old. You may have trouble until you update them. See my earlier comment.

But did you consider also what sdsinc_pmascari had offered, in terms of code?

2021-09-22 17:53:50
2021-09-22 17:53:50

As the others have said, it would help to hear what error you got. What they offer may solve the problem, or another issue to consider is that you may have your old CF2016 still running also on an old update of whatever Java version it’s using (whether Java 8 or 11). Both those (whichever you may be using) have had updates as recently as July of this year (Java 8 update 301 and Java 11 update 12).

If you look at the CF Admin and its “settings summary” page, you will see it showing the “java version”. Let us know what it reports. If it’s something quite older than these, you may find that your problem can be solved simply by updating the JVM that CF uses. I have a blog post with more on that, Solving problems calling out of CF via https, by updating JVM.

Otherwise, hope you get somewhere with the other suggestions.

2021-09-21 14:39:50
2021-09-21 14:39:50

What error are you seeing and what are your current CFExchange params?  We are able to connect to our O365 services no problem (for now) with these connection settings:

<cfexchangeconnection action=”open”

2021-09-21 07:59:53
2021-09-21 07:59:53

What is specific error you see than you linked CF with Azure cloud. ?
For 2016 worker setup, app you have to add 2 heartbeat values in order to be connector backward compatible with older setup.

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