Every year, Teratech offers an online “State of the CF Union” Survey. The one for 2021 has been open for several weeks and will be for a while longer (no date listed). It’s comprised of several questions about what CF engines, versions, and related apps and tools you may use, as well as a few more general topics.
The results are also offered online and are updating as people complete the survey. (You can also view the see in advance the questions that will be asked in the survey.) So far a few hundred folks have participated, and I offer this post in the hope that the news might reach some more folks.
The survey results help many in the community, from tool makers to engine makers to even just “regular folks” who might learn of something new in seeing what others are using.
For more blog content from Charlie Arehart, see his posts here as well as his posts at carehart.org. And follow him on Twitter and other social media as carehart.
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