May 4, 2021
Cloud Library Showcase App Source Code Project
May 4, 2021
Cloud Library Showcase App Source Code Project
Newbie 9 posts
Followers: 9 people

The all-new ColdFusion 2021 has made it even easier to benefit from cloud services like laaS, PaaS and SaaS. You can now utilize S3 or Azure Blob to store data and DynamoDB or MongoDB to retrieve it. And that’s not all! You can also use SQS and Azure Service Bus to rapidly communicate with different databases. Download this project to know more about how the brand new Adobe ColdFusion helps organizations to build their architecture, optimize workflow and migrate to the cloud, seamlessly.

Download the Project here.

**In order to download the project, please login to the community portal

2021-05-11 17:37:09
2021-05-11 17:37:09

Hey this is a ready-to-run application. I see some bugs. Will you please get these projects up on

There is code here that needs to be shared with the cfml community. Might as well as use modern tooling.

May I also suggest to contribute to the community packages. Its CFML’s very own open source cli tool with modern tooling. It would have been nice If I could just run two commands to spin up this cloud project in ACF 2021. Two commands! 1. “box install acf-cloudlibraryapp” 2. “box server start cfengine=adobe@2021”


Danielm Mejia
's comment
2021-05-12 18:22:23
2021-05-12 18:22:23
Danielm Mejia
's comment

Actually, is for reusable/shareable packages.  Your example app should be on github. Then we can the community can fork the repo and submit pull requests.

So my suggestion is to let coders know we(the cfml community) have an awesome CLI tool called Commandbox. For beginners, commandbox just makes onboarding with cfml a lot faster. Essentially it just saves everyone time so we can just jump into the project code.


2021-05-07 12:38:32
2021-05-07 12:38:32

Thanks, great work!

Will plan to integrate with Google?

I have seen here that a source has already been implemented

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