April 23, 2021
Beating My Head Against my Monitor trying to Download the CF 2021 Zip Installer via WGET on Ubuntu
April 23, 2021
Beating My Head Against my Monitor trying to Download the CF 2021 Zip Installer via WGET on Ubuntu
Newbie 49 posts
Followers: 42 people

My experience so far…

I’ve spun up an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 20.  I’ve SSH’ed into the server using the terminal, I’ve installed Apache and I’m ready to install ColdFusion 2021 using the lightweight Zip installer.  I want to do this completely via the command line.  This will be amazing!

Ok.  Now to download the installer.  Let’s see… google “Adobe ColdFusion 2021 installers“.  First link is “ColdFusion Support Center – More Downloads“.  Well… that’s not quite what I’m looking for, but there’s a section that links to the Product Downloads so… close enough.  I mean, really… all I want is a direct link to the Linux 64 -bit Zip installer… how hard can that be to find.

Let’s click the Trial Edition link.  Hmmm… that takes me to a page that is asking for my demographic information to download… but all I want is a direct link.  Not quite what I’m looking for.

I’m really trying not to download this onto my local machine then have to upload it to the EC2 instance… I’d much rather just type wget and the direct link to the file and have it download.  Maybe I need a different Google search?  Let’s try “Download ColdFusion Installers“.  Hm.  Same top level result.

A-ha!  CFMLRepo.com!  That’s a great resource for being able to download installers for almost every version of ColdFusion you could imagine!  This will be perfect.  I go to the Google Drive share… browse to Adobe ColdFusion, then 14-2021, then Zip deployment and lo, and behold, my good friend Charlie Arehart has a copy of the zip installer right there!

I click on it and select “get link.”  Go to my terminal and type wget https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iX-_PN-3xbZCZP73RNngtirQBu0b22RV/view?usp=sharing

Except… waitaminute… that’s not a direct link to the file. That won’t get me the installer. I just want to download the installer direct to this EC2 instance. What. The actual. !@#$%.

Long story short… if someone knows of direct links to the installers, that’d be ggrreeaatt. Otherwise I’m going to have to download to my machine, and upload them to the EC2 instance directly. Or, more likely, I’ll upload it to an AWS S3 bucket so I have a copy of it for later and can wget it from there.

Regardless, this was frustrating. I kept looking for direct downloads. I kept coming to the same pages. I am going to give up and go scream into a bag.

2021-11-20 20:32:15
2021-11-20 20:32:15

HAHAHAHA.  Just stumbled upon this… I’ve been complaining about this since ColdFusion 7 or 8 I think.

2021-04-27 12:27:36
2021-04-27 12:27:36

The cf team (or perhaps Adobe mgt) seem still stuck on the old model, “if you want our software, you have to tell us who you are to get it”. Yes, that flies in the face of true devops ways. They’re getting there.

Indeed, since the Adobe docker cf images can be obtained without login, perhaps they could be persuaded to do the same with the zip file – – especially after reading this, if indeed they do.

(Well, the images are available for now, at bintray, but that is due to end on Saturday.  See my post from a month ago pleading with Adobe to fix this before the. No reply yet, despite direct emails to support. Sad that David and I have to be bearers of bad tidings here, but we’re trying to help others. ) 

As for the cfmlrepo.com (created by Gavin Pickin, and to which I and others contribute), that is unfortunate if its links (managed by Google drive) couldn’t be gotten via wget. I’d not tried. You may be able to find a way to enable that, via Google fu, as it’s a generic problem not specific to cf or the repo.

Let’s see if all this gets anywhere to become more an identification of a solution rather than just another lament about a problem.

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