February 1, 2021
What happened to $itemlabel$ in CF2018 CF Chart?
In the URL parameter of CFchart, I pass an argument in the link with a value of $ITEMLABEL$ (e.g. url=”#detailurl#?argument1=$ITEMLABEL$”).
In CF8 (old server) this works.
I have newer servers now and need to move the charts from the old CF 8 servers to the newer servers running CF2018.
When I run the same report in CF2018, the value of $ITEMLABEL$ is no longer passed in the url. I thought maybe $ITEMLABEL$ now requires the pound signs to be evaluated, but when I add pound signs, I get an error 500.
Does anyone know how to pass the value of $ITEMLABEL$ in a CFchart URL in CF2018?
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