[Originally published Jan 4, 2021. Updated July 14, 2021]
As you may know, ColdFusion includes and embeds many libraries which help provide much of its functionality. Sometimes, people wonder what are the version numbers of those libraries, like jQuery, Solr, ehCache, and so on.
And with each release I try to document these, first in my “Hidden Gems” talk on the new release (such as the one I did for CF2021 at the Nov 2020 online CF Summit). Then I generally create a blog post sharing the same information, to save people having to know about/dig through the presentation slides. I did just such a post on the CF2021 libraries yesterday on my blog, with a lot more details on this topic.
In this briefer post here on the CF portal, I just want to list the libraries and their version numbers, so that this might be more readily found by those seeking that info.
As for how I find these versions numbers, why the issue of the library versions is important to some folks, and addressing common concerns others may raise about the sometimes-dated nature of the libraries, again see the blog post on my own site for more detail.
- Antisamy 1.5.7 (OWASP security library)
- Axis 2 1.7.0 (web services library, and note that’s “Axis 2” v 1.7.0, not just “Axis”)
- Derby 10.15 (embedded DB )
- Ehcache 2.10.3 (caching library)
- Elasticache 5.6.16 (In PMT)
- Esapi (OWASP Enterprise Security API)
- Ext JS (JS library which underlies various UI tags) [Update: I mistakenly reported 3.1 originally. See my other blog post for more.]
- Hibernate 5.2.11 (ORM library)
- Httpclient 4.5.9 (underlies CFHTTP and more)
- Java 11.0.1 (the JVM which underlies all of CF)
- JDBC Drivers 5.1 (the built-in Progress DB drivers, such as for SQL Server, Oracle, and even MySQL. CF no longer includes the MySQL-provided driver, but you can add it yourself)
- Jedis 2.9.0 (underlies Redis caching)
- Jetty 9.4.31 (underlies Solr, HTMLTOPDF, and more)
- jQuery 3.1.1 and jQuery UI 1.12.1 (JS library which underlies various UI tags and Admin interface features)
- Lucene 6.6.1 (underlies Solr, the embedded search engine in CF)
- POI 4.1.2 (underlies MS Office Integration features)
- PostgreSQL 42.2.14 (db driver)
- Quartz 2.2.1 (underlies CF Schedule tasks)
- Solr 5.2.1 (the embedded search engine, used by CFSEARCH/CFINDEX/CFCOLLECTION, etc.)
- Tomcat 9.0.37 (the application server which underlies CF, when deployed in traditional “Server” configuration)
- Zingcharts 2.8.4 (underlies cfchart)
Is there a library you feel I missed which should be listed? Or do you have a question related to the list, or a concern that some particular library is “out of date”? Please see first my other post, with the additional detail. And if your question remains unanswered, then ask it there or here, as you see fit.
Finally though, as I note in that other post, if you merely want to point out or make the case to Adobe that they ought to update some particular library, this is really not the best place to do that. It would be better to file a bug report (at tracker.adobe.com). If you then want to offer a link to that as a comment here, that would be fine. The point is that then those interested in that particular library and its version can observe the conversation about it there, rather than have this become a dumping ground of debate on such particulars.
The goal of this post is more to be a tracking of the versions rather than a discussion of those versions.
For more blog content from Charlie Arehart, see his posts here as well as his posts at carehart.org. And follow him on Twitter and other social media as carehart.
Eddie, that’s interesting. No one has ever asked me that, in all these years I’ve been offering this listing. 🙂
So, as you may know, the underlying mechanism for the CF-.NET integration (the “coldfusion .net service”) is a product called JNBridge (https://jnbridge.com/). I’ve never even thought to consider or look at the version for it, but I’m game to give it a go.
As I look at the definition of the CF .NET service, it indicates that it runs a CFDotNetsvc.exe found in CF’s cfusion\jnbridge folder. While that file itself has no version info (in the “details” tab of the “properties” for the file), I do see other exe’s there and they DO have a version, which is indicated as 7.13.
And FWIW, I can report that was the same version number for the files in CF2018, and I won’t be surprised if it’s the same for CF2016. It seems that Adobe has not felt any need to update that library. (I can see on the JNBridge web site that they did have a version 8, 9, and now 10.)
That said, I am curious why you would ask about this. As I explain more in the more detailed post on my own blog, usually people are curious about these “underlying library versions” because they want to use them directly, and are bummed when CF’s library is dated.
Are you really using the JNBridge in some direct way? I’d be curious to hear what one may do that would motivate not using CF’s built-in support. And if you are, are you perhaps more familiar with its versioning? And did you find it to be currently a different version than what I have reported now? Again, I am admitting I’d never even considered it before today. 🙂
I wasn’t meaning to be seeming like a jerk. I was responding to your having said first, “I did not read your more detailed blog post“, and then particularly, “This post simply listed third party libraries and I wondered about…”.
I was just clarifying how I offered the link in the 3 strategic places where I thought someone might have more to “wonder about”. 🙂
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