CFNext introduces integration with Microsoft Azure Service Bus, a managed message brokering service that enables decoupling of applications by allowing asynchronous transfer of data and state.
The integration with messaging service falls into the following 2 categories:
- Queues: provides a buffer in the form of a queue for one to one transfer of messages between a sender and a receiver.
- Topics: can be used to transfer messages in a publish/subscribe scenario.
In this post, which is the first of a series that discusses Service Bus features in CFNext, we will discuss how to get started with Queues using ColdFusion.
- Get an Azure account.
- Create a Service Bus namespace.
- Get the Azure connection string. Instructions on how to get the connection string can be found here.
- Install ColdFusion 2021
Following is an simple CFML application example that demonstrates creating a queue, sending a message to the queue and receiving that message. You can try it after substituting the connectionString with the same from your Azure account. You can also create a queue in Azure portal by following the instructions at this article.
proxyCF_SB = cloudService(
"vendorName" : "AZURE", //other possible value: AWS
"connectionString" : "Endpoint=sb://?;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=?"
//possible values for Azure services: AZURE_BLOB, SERVICE_BUS
//possible values for AWS services: S3, SQS, SNS, DYNAMODB
"serviceName" : "SERVICE_BUS"
//create a queue.
queue = proxyCF_SB.createQueue("myFirstQueue3")
//send message to the queue. if you do not specify the messageId attribue, it is Azure assigns the message a unique ID.
sendMsgResponse = proxyCF_SB.sendMessage( queue.getPath(),
"messageBody" = "message data goes here",
"messageProperties" = { "timestamp" : "#dateTimeFormat(now())#", "message_category" : "test" }
//a successful send should return the statusCode "200".
cfdump(var="#sendMsgResponse#", label="response from sending msg to queue: #queue.getPath()#")
//receive the message. reading with PEEKLOCK mode leaves the message in the queue intact.
receiveMessageMetadata = {
"maxMessageCount" = 1
receiveMessageResponse = proxyCF_SB.receiveMessage(queue.getPath(), receiveMessageMetadata)
cfdump(var="#receiveMessageResponse#", label="message from queue: #queue.getPath()#")
//delete the queue
You can also send a batch of messages in one go by using the sendMessageBatch method, that accepts an array of message structs
batchSize = 2
for(n=1; n LTE batchSize; n++){
msgStructTemplate = {
"messageBody" = "msg sno.#n# of #batchSize#",
"messageProperties" = {
"timestamp" : "#dateTimeFormat(now())#", "message category" : "test"
msgBatchArray[n] = msgStructTemplate
proxyCF_SB.sendMessageBatch(queue.getPath(), msgBatchArray)
We’ll be discussing the other methods in subsequent posts on this forum. I’ll be following up this post with another one on how to work with topic with CFNext.
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