January 29, 2020
Which JDK is supported with ColdFusion 2016
January 29, 2020
Which JDK is supported with ColdFusion 2016
Newbie 1 posts
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Which JDK is supported with ColdFusion 2016?  Is there a support matrix posted somewhere?

Am currently running CF2016 update 12 with Java 1.8.0_181 on 64 bit Windows Server 2012

2020-01-30 14:28:35
2020-01-30 14:28:35

Cf2016 supported Java 8 out of the box (as indicated in the support document offered by akalinos), but that doesn’t show that is also supports Java 11 after applying cf2016 update 8 (and even Java 12 after another update).

And for each Java version supported, you can use the latest update to that Java version.

I offer a matrix explaining this for the different cf and Java versions, but Adobe has not for a while. The matrix is within this post of mine from last year:


And you’ll see I updated it to discuss also Java 12–and why I would NOT recommend that.

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2020-02-07 01:37:13
2020-02-07 01:37:13
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Michael, any followup thoughts?

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