Event Gateway Instances – How verify is running whithout log in CF Adminisration
Hi team !!
I’m newby of this blog, this is my very first post ….
I’m a problem, i’ve activate 4 istance of Event Gateway to send SMS via SMTP, all works fine but, i would like to verify if they are running without log in cf administrator interface, perhaps using a Back office page that inform me about their status.
It’s possible ?
I’m using CF 2016.
Can i write a page that inform me about Event Gateway Instance status ?
Thank’s everybody.
Have a nice day.
Gianluca M.
Yes, you can do nearly anything in the Admin via code using the CF Admin API. While it was introduce in CF7, most are not aware of it. It’s a set of CFCs in the cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/adminapi folder, and there are CFCs for each of the broad areas of the CF Admin.
For your needs, there is an eventgateway.cfc, and among its methods are ones like getServiceManager (and getAllServiceManager), as well as getGatewayInstances and and getGatewayInstanceStatus. I suspect one of those would help you (but I have not tested them, as I have no gateways currently implemented to test them on).
As I suspect you also may also be new to using the Admin API, note first that there is a page that lists many (though not yet all) of the CFCs and their methods: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/configuring-administering/coldfusion-administrator-api-reference.html#eventgatewaycfc (that URL I offered goes right to he eventgatewaycfc on that page).
But that’s just a reference. you will want to know “how to use it”, and for that there is indeed also documentation, here: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/configuring-administering/using-the-coldfusion-administrator.html#AdministratorAPI.
Finally, I did a blog post pointing to both these, FWIW: https://www.carehart.org/blog/client/index.cfm/2018/1/3/great_start_on_adminapi_docs, and there I have some “related” posts at the bottom talking about other uses of the Admin API.
Let us know if that gets you going.
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