We will have another meeting of the Online ColdFusion Meetup, Thursday Nov 7 at 6p US Eastern time (note the changed time compared to the previous one on Oct 31). The presentation will be “SQL, I learned enough to break everything” with Dave Ferguson.
For more on the meeting, how to join (for free, no registration required), the URL for the online meeting, a link to see the time for you in your own timezone, and more, please see the meetup event page:
“SQL, I learned enough to break everything” with Dave Ferguson
Thursday, Nov 7, 2019, 6:00 PM
Online meeting via Adobe Connect
http://experts.adobeconnect.com/cfmeetup/ Online, GA
52 CF/CFML users Attending
Our session on Thursday Nov 7 at 6pm (US ET), the 254th presentation on the ColdFusion meetup, will be: “SQL, I learned enough to break everything”, with Dave Ferguson. (Note this is at 6p ET, not the 12p ET time of the past three sessions.) Topic description and speaker bio are also below. (Please note also that the meetup the time shown in the t…
And yes, the meeting will be recorded, as all 250+ of the Online CFMeetup sessions have been. Again, see that page for more info.
And if you may want to present on the meetup, we’d love to have you. For that, see speak.coldfusionmeeetup.com.