When’s the last time you looked at a getting started post? If you haven’t maybe there’s something new there.
Recently I have started going back through at least one of the “getting started” guides out there for CFML each year. I’ve been doing CF for about two decades now so what is the value to revisiting these sites and rehashing things that should be second nature? I guess I’m bored. Nah it’s not that, but it is that I do get something out of it. Like with the recent Certification Adobe did at CF Summit there is stuff I just plain don’t use and forget about. That next time I read about a feature it may be that sweet spot where it is exactly what I need. More importantly this cycle of refreshing reminds me that I don’t know it all. In itself that’s not news as anyone who has ever actually seen my code would testify to that. I think lately it is more about trying to break all these bad habits and legacy techniques that I, and maybe you as well, get stuck in. A well traveled road gets you there but after the first few times it’s nothing but the same old same old. Reminding myself that there are other ways, more modern ways, etc. helps break up the monotony. I haven’t yet hit that point where I can say “yep, I do that” to everything I see in those articles. Till I can say “yes” or at least give a coherent justification to myself as to why I don’t I think this is one habit I’ll keep.
It also helps that recently there has been a lot of momentum lately with the basics and teaching best practices content out there. The rebuild of LearnCFInAWeek.com is a welcome refresh to a site that I was still using as a reference. Now it is a completely fresh read even with the same overall arch in topics. The Ortus crew is pumping out their Learn CF in 100 Minutes book and guide after guide to their suite of products and modernization in general. Michaela Light over at Tera Tech is pushing out articles and posts on a regular basis. Then there are the bloggers like Michael Born putting together guides and even courses. So unlike years past there is more of this content out there so it isn’t reading the same few things over and over.
It may just be me but I would say it is worth giving that “entry level” content another look now and then just to see if something slipped by.
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