October 14, 2019
Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19
October 14, 2019
Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19
Newbie 29 posts
Followers: 6 people

Just saw on Twitter that the Seattle ColdFusion User Group is having a meeting coming up on Wednesday October 16th at 6:30pm Pacific (9:30pm Eastern).  There are varied topics including a CF Summit Recap and Twilio integration.  More details can be found here: https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-ColdFusion-User-Group/events/265493673/.  As the meeting is entirely online via Zoom, and announced via Twitter, anyone who would like to attend seems welcome.

You can find more information on the user group here https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-ColdFusion-User-Group/.

2019-10-17 02:20:29
2019-10-17 02:20:29

Presentation from tonight’s Seattle CFUG meeting

2019-10-17 02:19:41
2019-10-17 02:19:41

Presentation from this October meeting

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