October 11, 2019
ColdFusion Summit 2019 – Presentation Files
October 11, 2019
ColdFusion Summit 2019 – Presentation Files

The seventh edition of ColdFusion Summit happened in Vegas from Oct 1st – 2nd. There were more than 500 attendees from 320+ accounts being represented. We had four tracks with 40 sessions. Thank you to everyone that attended Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2019 and to the Presenters for the awesome sessions!

Thanks to all the Presenters for sharing their slide decks. Please find below the content from the sessions:

  1. ColdFusion and Vue – building CFML-powered reactive applications – Matt Gifford ::  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IrKG36XJT0JsKI7yinAobW1AKO6MuoE-
  2.  Shake N’Bake: Top 10 Performance Tuning Tricks to put you in First Place – Elishia Dvorak :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fe7sX9gC6iMGrNLXcTUDjlKrByZOiLcA
  3.  Try This At Home: Building Your Own ColdFusion Swarm – Matthew Clemente :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12LCcjnXjV5POYkQ_3IYMiyaDXNqRYWpF
  4. WebSockets 101 : An Introduction to WebSockets on ColdFusion – Giancarlo Gomez ::https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Hcn3wWfOdVtX7_kz9sfynoIF93f3Ynap
  5.  WebSockets 201 : Beyond the introduction – Giancarlo Gomez :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LDr2OcjZzcQ0UlcgpNVr91Idxwlvm1Hk
  6.  From Legacy to Modern, Techniques to update your Legacy Sites – Daniel Fredericks :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZtH1tNrxbKaELWdYS_El-Cp2qyM20a6y
  7.  Testing – How Vital and How Easy to use – Uma Ghotikar :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1En_VWeuAL5_cZtHDshhLk05t-845p-hc
  8.  Using ColdFusion to produce Dynamic Financial Letters – Mike Collins :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KuYLmbfe23Bdascb7LXP3DeJ4hE8mZJo
  9.  GET /cfml – A Guide to Writing API Wrappers – Matthew Clemente :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TlGUtgFFcfBFVeANrdWsceai1thynliV
  10.  Getting Started With CF’s Docker Images – Charlie Arehart :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1h2bbm5Wl-_30dC0kBeNTnjfrlcDbBX7K
  11.  RuleBox : The natural rule engine for CFML – Luis Majano :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1imx6dQw5fib748gomGcxMDBOQkl7Jl7x
  12.  Beyond “Read All”: Build Fine-Grained Control of Amazon Web Services in Your ColdFusion App – Brian Klaas ::https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R05ZeCLlljHWK1Yon_6J96SibdjL2pEw
  13.  No more excuses – let FusionReactor instantly show you performance problems and defects in your code – David Tattersal :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ogxiaYxm9LnhBGv0PPv1CgvowMaT3heM
  14.  Angular for ColdFusion Developers – Josh Kutz-Flamenbaum :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZVaUOQeVJFJqf1GVeMN41Eq-yq13LBSn
  15.  Meet Solr, ColdFusion’s Search BFF – Rick Buongiovanni :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fnxpZW0OA3caw89_zlJjxNWE10_ZwKLS
  16.  [Angularjs + Reactjs + Vuejs] + CF – Integrating modern day JS frameworks with ColdFusion – Uday Ogra ::https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aNtldMxZnEhWabmRHmNkiMaoliGd0YX5
  17.  Caching and Performance in ColdFusion – Denard Springle :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-P6AtJ1fc7jBlJNo26Aj8k1Ug5YIAgV3
  18.  Please pass the salt: Serve up passwords with a side of entropy – Bradley Wood :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CZJ2SS0eKF0t8i3Guve4rLg5gOtbrWu0
  19.  Rapidly Prototyping Single-Page Applications with Coldfusion & Javascript – Mark Takata :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1riLJXnA2r5CxKr7qqZ5BoFPua3Q9ECRE
  20.  Real-time SMS Texting with ColdFusion & AWS – Greg Stanley :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gvqp5WDAQZzwedTTXG8FZ6TcucnqYjBd
  21.  Approaches to more secure ColdFusion code – Pete Freitag :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PzNJJEBRAiVOtSJ0lbGjFRznuwVPzOiO
  22.  Start `Integrated` Testing – The biggest and easiest ( testing ) bang for your buck – ( George ) Gavin Pickin :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_ufmuXsWNi5HwDjIvg6Fns6-xAuS7Qcc
  23.  Customer Showcase: Learn How Central San uses ColdFusion to Interconnect and Manage Enterprise Infrastructure Assets – Carl Von Stetten :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Eyhyjfxi_04incR9_qdosBqtyU9Zg32v
  24.  Augmented Reality powered by React Native and ColdFusion – A transformation to mobile app development – Edwin Samuel Jonathan :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13ubpSZPxeZhv7kwaL8Ay5nWGvX5oeVfa
  25.  Prepare for “Super Bowl” Traffic – Bruno Zugay :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cRSXKJlUMNG2b2Zp9n10HH7Bots4ZGx8
  26. ColdFusion for the next decade – All about the buzzworthy ColdFusion 2020 – Rakshith Naresh :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HhTIsRbWYqcIvh2-8FXyoAP5jihNt1mr
  27. Automating your tasks using ColdFusion Scheduler – Suchika Singh :: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IQaECYTDE7iZp78qorU5N_gVprT1Zxq-/view?usp=sharing
  28. Reinforcement Learning with ColdFusion – Adding Practical Autonomy To Your Web Applications – Minh Vo :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o-q_E_sC2kveKF0uvHN98iISH4lUvfue1XUEXavoEZw
  29. Scaling Enterprise Applications with ColdFusion – Piyush Nayak :: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y1JKkvWOcCcxqo5_ZcTfjcFUEaUapJEo/view?usp=sharing
  30. Practical Functional Programming in CFML – Abram Adams :: https://slides.com/abramadams/practical-fp-in-cfml#/
  31. The business case to upgrade ColdFusion :: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gt2io5eTjNDXrZ6jeh_AmHXvLISHZ7U6
2019-12-24 06:09:43
2019-12-24 06:09:43

I can’t seem to comment anymore. What am I missing! 🙂

Vicky Ryder
's comment
2019-12-24 13:42:41
2019-12-24 13:42:41
Vicky Ryder
's comment

Vicky, all our comments are moderated, without warning. Can sometimes be days. Causes frequent confusion, sadly.

2019-12-24 06:02:18
2019-12-24 06:02:18

Session videos are being released. Check the ColdFusion Facebook page or my LinkedIn page or Twitter for the moment. I will be posting soon.  SPEAKERS: If your slides are not provided here in a manner I can download for embedding into videos, I won’t be able to publish your session. Those of you with embedded or read-only access, that’s you. 😉

Vicky Ryder
's comment
2019-12-24 13:47:25
2019-12-24 13:47:25
Vicky Ryder
's comment

Vicky, thanks so much for your efforts here. As for the last sentence, do you mean for instance that if our talk was offered as a PDF, that (being read only) would be a problem? This is just the first we’ve heard anything about the process or any requirements to help you. If someone needs to give you a “writable” version, where should they send it?

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2019-12-24 20:31:59
2019-12-24 20:31:59
Charlie Arehart
's comment

This is the first time I’ve encountered slide decks that are view-able only online, without a download option (as far as I can tell.)

I’m referring to people who provide links to their own websites, wherein the slide show is embedded in the site header.. or they link directly to a PPT or similar doc in the cloud that is in embedded presentation format.

Anything I can download and easily export to high res images is fine. PDFs are perfect. PPTs are good. In some cases, where a speaker has embedded video into a slide, I can export the video to retain the nice dynamics. I haven’t found an easy way to know if there’s video, though, without watching every slide.  That’s a question I’d send to the speaker list.

I have requested to be added to future speaker lists, because there are usually things any willing speaker could do to help assure quality. I try not to set hard & fast rules, because a speaker’s comfort & attendee’s experience on-site is priority.

(Whoever sits in these sessions either with a pen-clicking habit, or possibly trimming their toenails (??) might think about the speaker and the people around them, though.  And if  you’re not done with that loud-even-without-amplification potato chip bag in the first minute or two, put it down.)

So.. the process is.. anyone who wants their session published as a video needs to provide Kishore with links to downloadable decks for posts like this one. For now, they can append this post with the same in a comment.  HTH!

Vicky Ryder
's comment
2019-12-26 17:55:42
2019-12-26 17:55:42
Vicky Ryder
's comment

Ah, ok. thanks.

2019-10-15 12:44:37
2019-10-15 12:44:37

I noticed that all of the sessions were recorded.  Are those recordings going to be made available?  It would help fill in context from the slides – particularly for sessions I was unable to attend.

's comment
2019-12-15 10:03:14
2019-12-15 10:03:14
's comment

They should be starting to roll out soon, now that the India summit has finished!  🙂

's comment
2019-12-23 19:13:18
2019-12-23 19:13:18
's comment
2019-10-15 12:09:26
2019-10-15 12:09:26

Where is the CF 2020 features / slides?

2019-10-14 10:29:57
2019-10-14 10:29:57

Thanks Kishore for sharing the presentations

2019-10-11 17:03:20
2019-10-11 17:03:20

Thanks, Kishore!

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