Do you tend to mark posts and comments with the like button? Consider doing so.
As the saying goes, sometimes it’s the little things.
When you read a portal post, comment, or reply that you find helpful, please consider taking a moment to hit that “like” button. (BTW, it may seem you need to login to do so, which can seem a hassle, but note that if you have logged in before recently on that browser, you may find that simply hitting the login button will get you in again.)
Same with reading the CF forums, where anyone can mark an answer as “helpful” or the asker can mark one as the “correct answer”, which can help everyone reading along. (And if you didn’t know, discussion content in the forum is bidirectionally shared with the CF forums).
Finally, and in the same vein, if you see a bug/issue or feature request in the tracker site, add your vote there as Adobe may give more regard to some issues based on votes.
All this may seem obvious to some, but its been my general observation that our community resources show less use of such things than others, such as in the case of other Adobe forums where people are seemingly more inclined to mark posts as helpful or the answer. Perhaps it reflects the designer/developer distinction, or maybe CFers are just a bit more old school and not in the habit of “liking” things–perhaps on Twitter or Facebook, either.
I’m simply pointing out that it can really help in many ways to show such appreciation. For instance, even if some posters may seem to need little motivation to write :-), others reading along may be all the more encouraged to contribute when they know that such contribution may be appreciated.
And that is indeed the whole point of the portal, right?–to get and encourage community participation. So get out and vote, and share your own discoveries to help others.
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