December 21, 2018
Looking to Move our ColdFusion 2016 Web Server to the DMZ – Looking for Advice?
December 21, 2018
Looking to Move our ColdFusion 2016 Web Server to the DMZ – Looking for Advice?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Is there anyway to create a front-end CF server that can pass the traffic through our Firewalls to the back-end CF server 2016.

We need to be FISMA and HIPAA compliant and I am looking for advice from anyone who has done this.

I am the Systems Engineer, not the programmer.

Thanks, Kat

2018-12-25 14:24:25
2018-12-25 14:24:25

Kay, this is called “distributed cf”  see docs and posts from others by Googling that phrase. (ignore any about cf9 or older though, or from before 2012 when cf10 came out).

Charlie Arehart
's comment
2018-12-27 14:07:48
2018-12-27 14:07:48
Charlie Arehart
's comment

Great, thank you Charlie.

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