May 29, 2018
Docker images for ColdFusion
May 29, 2018
Docker images for ColdFusion
Staff 109 posts
Followers: 40 people

At the CFSummit East last month we announced the availability of Docker images for ColdFusion from Adobe. They are available on bintray and here is the direct URL to access the images:

In that list of images you will also find API Manager, API Manager addons along with the image for ColdFusion server. Do give these images a try and let us know your feedback.

2020-05-18 23:33:51
2020-05-18 23:33:51

Will this ever be properly documented?   What do all these env settings do? Why does the container start up in migration mode? It’s a container – there will never be a migration

Jim Priest
's comment
2020-05-19 12:37:22
2020-05-19 12:37:22
Jim Priest
's comment

Jim, I can’t tell if you’ve seen it but there is a page documenting those env vats, as well as showing use of the images, and including compose file showing various integrations. It’s at , and that is linked to from the Readme tab of the cf image bintray page above, though it could be made more clear.

As for your second point, and for those not understanding his meaning, he’s referring to how when you launch the admin the first time (within a container), you see the prompt one always would on first launch of the admin after an install. That cf admin code simply has not been changed to work differently, though it could.

(I can confirm that using the /data folder and car mechanism, discussed on that page above, the process STILL would show the migration page on first admin launch.)

Then again, one may not need to launch the admin, as the settings can be configure at container startup via either car files or a setup script, both discussed in that link in shared. 

And cf2020 will change things even more with its new json-based cf setup feature, mentioned in the Dev week keynote yesterday (and previously).

And fwiw, I will be doing a Dev week talk on Friday on getting started with the cf docker images. It’s a revision and expansion of one I did at cf summit 2019, available online.

Note also the recent post here from Dave Byers, 2nd in a series on his take on getting started.

I’ll come back and edit this comment to add links. Challenging in the tiny window in the mobile ui for these blog comments.

2019-09-30 21:07:03
2019-09-30 21:07:03

Are there any plans to add CF Docker Image in MS Azure?

2018-12-11 20:17:02
2018-12-11 20:17:02

On AWS, an auto-scaling configuration of CF on EC2 VMs can comply with CF licensing requirements by starting with an AMI that includes an hourly CF licensing fee (which varies by EC2 instance size). Adding/removing CF EC2 instances from the load balancer presents no CF licensing problems.

On Azure, I see no availability of a machine image for CF, so it would appear to not be possible to have an auto-scaling configuration on Azure where licensing cost tracks usage. It would be necessary to purchase [n] CF licenses ahead of time and limit the number of machines in the cluster to the number of licenses purchased, which is far from optimal for peaky loads.

I’m now considering a move to an auto-scaling config of Docker containers running CF, but how would one stay in compliance with CF licensing on either AWS or Azure? I see no availability of a CF container image on either platform, let alone one that includes an hourly licensing fee. Is there a plan to address this in the near future?

's comment
2018-12-18 13:46:52
2018-12-18 13:46:52
's comment

In case anyone else is interested in the answer, I had also emailed Rakshith, to which he replied:

Thanks for reaching out.

I agree that we only have the AMI today. We are yet to offer an image on Azure.

For containers, a perpetual CF Enterprise license will let you use it on any number of containers as long as the number of VCPUs is less than or equal to 8.

's comment
2018-12-20 09:26:50
2018-12-20 09:26:50
's comment

There is a change in licensing quoted above. It is actually 8 containers per enterprise license. It is clarified here:

Sorry about the confusion.

2018-11-22 16:36:54
2018-11-22 16:36:54

Is there a way to run/set ColdFusion’s Apache Connector option with the ColdFusion container ?

2018-09-10 13:07:53
2018-09-10 13:07:53

There seems to be a problem with this CF container. I run 3 instances, mapped the ports so that the local ports incremented but the internal ports (inside the container remained 8500) e.g. 8501->8500 but it seems only the first instance is accessible.

SO you cant seemingly have N instances on the same docker host?

's comment
2018-09-10 13:09:50
2018-09-10 13:09:50
's comment

All I see in the other instances is endless log messages like this

[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…
[000] Checking server startup status…

's comment
2018-09-20 07:26:24
2018-09-20 07:26:24
's comment

Amir, could we have a look at your docker-compose file, if that’s how you are running three separate containers? Ideally all three containers must run independently. You can reach out to me at

's comment
2018-11-21 04:04:04
2018-11-21 04:04:04
's comment

Any update for the license key deployment workflow? Thanks

KWH Gordon
's comment
2019-08-19 18:27:22
2019-08-19 18:27:22
KWH Gordon
's comment

I realize this is old, but in case others come upon this later, I’m pretty sure Gordon’s Nov 2018 comment here was referring here to when there was no Docker image environment variable for passing in a CF license key/serial number. That was subsequently resolved, and there is indeed a “serial” env var now. For more, see the page documenting use of the CF Docker images.

2018-05-29 13:16:02
2018-05-29 13:16:02

It would be really helpful to have the CF2018 beta as a container.

It was also mentioned in a previous thread that an example apache container integrating the connector to CF would be very helpful.

Oh and MUCH more flexibility in the configuration / environment variables for JVM memory, DSN, secure profiles, specific CF settings etc. etc.

Doug Cain
's comment
2018-05-29 13:49:12
2018-05-29 13:49:12
Doug Cain
's comment

Thanks for the feedback. I will pass this to the engineers. We will also evaluate CF 2018 beta as a container. Certainly, useful.

Doug Cain
's comment
2018-07-11 22:29:01
2018-07-11 22:29:01
Doug Cain
's comment

Doug, if you want to use a containerized version of the 2018 beta, you can do so right now using the Ortus Docker images. They are powered by CommandBox, and therefore can start any CF engine/version and also come with CFConfig to manage all your config settings without needing to touch the admin UI and add-in modules like FusionReactor. You are free to wait for Adobe to come out with official images of course, but in the mean time this might give you something to play with.

's comment
2018-07-16 10:20:49
2018-07-16 10:20:49
's comment

Hi Brad,

Thanks for that, I have used them before but we suffer from the ADCF war whitespace issue which makes it a bit tricky.

I’ll revisit what broke and see if we can fix it on our side, meantime I create my own CF containers for our dev environment which is quite a mission given the state of Adobes installers and config options.

's comment
2018-07-16 10:23:41
2018-07-16 10:23:41
's comment

Oh just looked and adobe have updated their containers to include 2018 now by the look of it:

Wonder if they have addressed the config issues.

Doug Cain
's comment
2018-08-28 01:55:59
2018-08-28 01:55:59
Doug Cain
's comment

Hi, i also have question on config, how could i pass serial no/license key to container? or somewhere have a detail document. Thank you.

I have same question on forum:

Doug Cain
's comment
2018-08-30 06:07:30
2018-08-30 06:07:30
Doug Cain
's comment


Configuration can be provided by taking the CAR migration route, as in the ColdFusion 2016 containers.

I understand your standpoint. we are exploring if the workflow can be improved.

KWH Gordon
's comment
2018-08-30 06:09:56
2018-08-30 06:09:56
KWH Gordon
's comment


As of today, licence can be provided from the administrator only. We are exploring if a key can be picked up from a config / environment file.

We are working on documenting the container workflows, the way all features of ColdFusion are documented.

's comment
2018-08-31 04:24:54
2018-08-31 04:24:54
's comment

Hi Immanuel,

Thanks for info. about your team are exploring the workflow of container pick up license key. Wait for your good news. Thanks.

KWH Gordon
's comment
2019-08-01 20:44:58
2019-08-01 20:44:58
KWH Gordon
's comment

It doesn’t seem anyone ever came back and updated this discussion. You can indeed now pass in the CF license key as an environment variable. For that and much more, see

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