Here is how you can union together two queries using query of query. This function would take two queries and use query of query to combine them into a single query. The code below assumes the columns from the two source queries are identical. You would need to modify if that isn’t the case.
private any function combineQuery(qA, qB) { var qry1Result = arguments.qA; var qry2Result = arguments.qB; var qoqResult = ''; // create new query object var qoq = new Query(); // set attribute of new query object to be a query result with arbortrary name qoq.setAttributes(QoQsrcTableA = qry1Result); qoq.setAttributes(QoQsrcTableB = qry2Result); // use previously set attribute as table name for QoQ andset dbtype = query qoqResult = qoq.execute(sql="select * from QoQsrcTableA union select * from QoQsrcTableB", dbtype="query"); // return result return qoqResult.getResult(); }
That’s a pretty chunky implementation, it only really needs a single expression:
query function combineQueries(required query q1, required query q2) {
return queryExecute(
{dbtype = “query”, q1 = q1, q2 = q2}
Works on CF11+, Lucee 4.5+
I’d also never recommend to use those CFML-based services Adobe ship in CF: they’re pretty clunky & are pretty much an obsolete way of doing things.
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