December 20, 2016
ColdFusion 11 Update 11 and ColdFusion 10 Update 22 released
December 20, 2016
ColdFusion 11 Update 11 and ColdFusion 10 Update 22 released
Newbie 25 posts
Followers: 2 people

This post is to announce the release of ColdFusion 11 Update 11 and ColdFusion 10 Update 22.
Update 11 and Update 22 fix approximately 164 and 45 bugs respectively. For the list of bugs fixed in these updates, refer the following documents:
Bugs fixed with Update 11
Bugs fixed with Update 22

Follow the steps below to apply the updates:

  1. Navigate to ColdFusion Administrator -> Server Updates -> Updates.
  2. Switch to the "Settings" tab.
  3. Ensure that the update site URL is set to the right value by clicking on the "Restore Default URL" button.
  4. Click on "Submit changes" to save your changes.
  5. Switch to "Available Updates" tab. Click on "Check for Updates".
  6. "ColdFusion 11 Update 11" or "ColdFusion 10 Update 22" should be listed under the "Available updates" tab. 
  7. Click on the "Download and Install" button to install the update.

Refer the following technotes for instructions and other details related to the updates:

ColdFusion 11 Update 11 technote 
ColdFusoin 10 Update 22 technote

To apply these updates manually, download the required update by clicking on one of the applicable links below:

ColdFusion 11 Update 11 jar
ColdFusoin 10 Update 22 jar
To run the downloaded jar, execute the following command:
java -jar <jar-file-dir>/hotfix_0xx.jar
You should use the JRE used by ColdFusion for running the update jar (for standalone CF, it should be <cf_root>/jre/bin)
For further details on the manual application of the updater follow this help article.
The build number after applying this update should be:
11,0,11,301867 for ColdFusion 11;
10,0,22,301868 for ColdFusion 10.

2017-04-17 12:39:22
2017-04-17 12:39:22

Is the isDate() bug isolated to CF11 or is it in CF10 with this update also?

2017-03-29 13:01:38
2017-03-29 13:01:38

2017-03-14 13:09:28
2017-03-14 13:09:28

I am unable to access: ftp://cust-dl:$
Is there another location I can obtain this file from?

2017-02-20 06:50:26
2017-02-20 06:50:26

Did the connector change? The version number of the connector did not seem to change – it’s still 1.4.21. The file size has not changed – still 422KB. It does say in the “ColdFusoin 10 Update 22 technote” that the update includes bug fixes for the connectors but does not mention the need to upgrade the connector in the Post Installation section of this note. Could Adobe please clarify and update the note to make it clearer. Thanks.

2017-02-08 13:40:15
2017-02-08 13:40:15

We found a bug with Update 11, and filed a bug here:

Var scoped implicit arrays no longer work inside cffunction. This breaks lots of things with our sites. We can’t apply the Update to our prod servers until this bug is fixed.

I tried applying the above mentioned hotfix, hoping that Adobe may have already found this issue and fixed it, but alas the bug still exists after applying the hotfix. :

2017-02-05 04:41:11
2017-02-05 04:41:11

The hot fix looks to resolve the issue here. I’ve commented on the two issues as well.

2017-02-01 15:08:28
2017-02-01 15:08:28


2017-01-27 15:14:50
2017-01-27 15:14:50

Comment from Adobe on Slack (regarding CF11u11’s isDate() regression):

Download the fix from below link: ftp://cust-dl:$ Place the downloaded jar file at ColdFusion11/cfusion/lib/updates and restart the ColdFusion Application service. Please apply the update 11 and apply the fix.


2017-01-27 08:12:24
2017-01-27 08:12:24

any word from Adobe about a fix or a new patch ?

2017-01-25 07:04:05
2017-01-25 07:04:05

You broke isDate() :

Extra text here to bypass the broken spam scanner.

2017-01-18 15:26:21
2017-01-18 15:26:21

I have updated to CF 11 / 11, the update went well. I did it manually due to the server being locked down. But now, the Admin site is gone, and just displays a blank page. This is true if I try and connect via a website created with IIS or the default under :8500. The Context.xml page have been updated in the /runtime/conf/ dir. The log files from the hot fix show 0 errors and a successful install.

Need help getting the admin site back up and running. Not receiving any errors, and the CF code works just fine on the client’s site, just not the admin site.

2017-01-12 12:12:09
2017-01-12 12:12:09

Bug filed, about ckeditor issue:

2017-01-11 20:15:49
2017-01-11 20:15:49

WARNING: this update ruins cftextarea on colfusion 11. The code starts referencing CKEditor, but colfusion 11 uses FCKEditor.

2016-12-21 00:42:47
2016-12-21 00:42:47

Hi Tom and Aaron,

The bug links now point to the right locations instead of the bugbase ones. Sorry for all the confusion.


2016-12-20 15:41:42
2016-12-20 15:41:42

Hi Aaron/Tom

All the bugbase links would eventually redirect to The team that built the tracker application is currently working on this.

We will see if we can edit this document to have the links point to tracker.


2016-12-20 11:00:09
2016-12-20 11:00:09

Hi Piyush,

I believe Tom’s point is: Adobe should correct the links so that they point to


2016-12-20 10:08:38
2016-12-20 10:08:38

We are moving to a new bug reporting tool called “Tracker”. You can access it at
If you want to access the a specific bug say (bug# 3810459) you need to prefix it with “cf-” like so,
You can read more about this transition at the following blog post:

2016-12-20 08:03:31
2016-12-20 08:03:31

All the detailed bug links link to a page with a giant scary warning message saying the web site is about to shut down.


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