February 19, 2015
ColdFusion 11 Update 4 released
February 19, 2015
ColdFusion 11 Update 4 released
Newbie 25 posts
Followers: 2 people

ColdFusion 11 Update 4 is now available for download.

This update includes bug fixes related to JSON, Imaging, Websockets, Charting, Language and Database.

For the list of bugs fixed in this update and the installation instructions please refer this technote.

For those who have applied the early access release (pre-release) build of Update 4, follow the steps below to reinstall Update 4.

  1. Uninstall Update 4 (PreRelease). 
  2. Reinstate the update URL by clicking on the “Restore Default URL” button in the “Server Updates” section in the ColdFusion administrator.
  3. Switch to the “Available Updates” tab and click on the “Check for Updates” button.
  4. Download and install Update 4.


2015-05-04 09:11:33
2015-05-04 09:11:33

I was having the same issue as Mike. Thanks, @charlie arehart for pointing me in the reight direction!

2015-04-30 08:23:22
2015-04-30 08:23:22

Hi Charlie,

Sorry for my late response. I sincerely appreciate your response and you were right on. I followed the lockdown guide and put the scripts folder in an alternate location. I however, forgot to add a virtual directory to it in my cfadmin site. Once I did that, the Server Update -> Updates page acted completely differently. I am now able to do everything from the web interface.

2015-04-02 09:06:00
2015-04-02 09:06:00

@Mike, I’ll try to help while you await a reply from Adobe, perhaps.

I see you asking “when will this get fixed”, and you say this happened on update 3, so I can understand your frustration. But FWIW I’ve never seen the error (and I’ve installed hundreds of CF11 servers with people daily in my consulting). Further, in a google search for that error, your comment here is the only reference to it, so it doesn’t seem to be a common problem.

Still, let’s look at your setup. Perhaps this is either an issue in your browser or CF/web server configuration.

First, can you confirm if you tried that in another browser? It may be that it fails in IE but works in Chrome, for instance, which would point to IE security as the culprit. Even if you don’t have Chrome or FF installed on the machine (if you’re trying this from your CF server), it may be worth installing it just to find out. Or of course, if you can access the CF Admin from off the server, maybe you have other browser choices on your desktop or laptop.

But if you would say you DID try that, or can’t, here’s another thought: perhaps it’s about your CF or web server configuration. There may be ways that you or someone configured (or secured) things in the web server or CF that may be blocking this somehow.

As a first check, when you’re on the Server Update>Updates page, do you see 3 tabs across the top (labelled “Available Updates”, “Installed Updates”, and “Settings”)? If you do not, then you have something blocking portions of the CFIDESCRIPTS from being accessible.

(Someone could have implemented web server security to block that folder, which should not be blocked in the site where you need access to the CF Admin. Or it may be that someone changed your CF Admin to point to this SCRIPTS folder using an alternative path, and you would then need to have that folder defined as a virtual directory of that name in the site where you’re accessing the CF Admin, pointing to the real location of the CFIDE/scripts.)

If something is blocking the CFIDE/scripts (or whatever is the alternative location), then requests to parts of the CF Admin will fail (like that UI element of tabs), or the Javascript needed to run the update itself.

I realize that’s a lot to take in, and you may not feel you can do all I’ve asked, but if you can and do, let us know what you find out.

2015-04-01 12:42:46
2015-04-01 12:42:46

I tried to install CF11 Update 4 and when I click on Download I get a javascript error “Uncaught ReferenceError: downloadService is not defined”.. If I click on Download and Install it says “Uncaught ReferenceError: ColdFusion is not defined”. Same thing happened with update 3. I think I had to manually install it. When will this get fixed! I’ve tried in multiple browsers. Doesn’t seem to matter.

2015-02-26 22:51:51
2015-02-26 22:51:51

Thanks Charlie

2015-02-26 17:56:56
2015-02-26 17:56:56

@Vamsee, thanks. Opened as bug 3945841.

Folks, if you want to add a vote, visit:


2015-02-25 09:41:02
2015-02-25 09:41:02

@Charlie, point taken. We will fix this. Can you log an ER for the same?

2015-02-20 11:21:04
2015-02-20 11:21:04

Hey Adobe folks, I’ve just noticed something a bit unfortunate, for those who may apply the prerelease updates: I have found that even with the default URL restored, we are NOT notified in the Admin that a new *final* release is ready, if we do already have the prerelease installed.

Is that how it should be?

Is it so for others? If so, it would be unfortunate.

I just tested it with my current implementation of prerelease update 4, which I’d not yet removed. I am not being told of this final release of update 4. Again, I have indeed used the “restore default url” option and clicked the “check for updates” feature.

It’s bad enough that people may forget to use the “restore default URL” feature, in which case they’d not hear of the final release (I suppose).

But I really would hope that if it WAS restored the update feature WOULD tell us that there’s a new final (by detecting that it’s different than the prerelease one currently installed).

2015-02-20 11:17:53
2015-02-20 11:17:53

@Vamsee, thanks.

@Brad, um, I don’t know about that, but thanks for the vote of confidence. 🙂

@Peter, interesting to hear that.

2015-02-19 11:37:03
2015-02-19 11:37:03


2015-02-19 08:25:07
2015-02-19 08:25:07


2015-02-19 08:11:30
2015-02-19 08:11:30

Not everyone should blindly update the connector.

If, for example, you’re running the CF10 connector on CF11, you should stick with it until at least update 5.

If you’re wondering why anyone would use CF10 connector, it’s because the CF11 one screws up with cfcontent – the issue was marked as fixed 8 days ago, so too late to make it into the current update, but hopefully we’re starting to see more regular updates and it wont take long for u5 to come out…


Of course, with bugs like that and the frequency of connector updates/reconfiguration it does make me wonder WTF is going on inside the connector – it’s not supposed to be complex functionality, so why does it apparently need to change so often…?

2015-02-19 08:03:32
2015-02-19 08:03:32

I nominate Charlie to help write the release notes for all future CF updater releases 🙂

2015-02-19 07:48:58
2015-02-19 07:48:58

Thanks Charlie for the detailed comments. We will get the article updated.

2015-02-19 06:52:53
2015-02-19 06:52:53

Good to see this come out of prerelease (blogs.coldfusion.com/post.cfm/coldfusion-11-update-4-is-available-for-early-access).

There are a few points that I think are worth clarifying.

First, I find it odd (and unfortunate) that the update 4 release note pointed to here says “If you have not applied ColdFusion 11 Update 1, reconfigure the connector after applying this update…”

Update 3 ALSO did require an update to the connector, so the update 4 release note should say “if you have not applied coldfusion 11 update 3”. And technically, someone could have applied update 3 or 1, but not have yet reconfigured the connector. In either case, they need to then reconfigure it after this update.

Second, the technote for update 3 properly went on to add an “important note” about doing a backup of the connector configuration files before doing that connector reconfiguration. Sadly, this technote for update 4 does not carry that forward and it really should.

Third, it’s worth reminding people here that if they HAD seen and followed the steps for applying the prerelease version of update 4, they need to not only uninstall the prerelease first, but they also need to be sure to remove the URL they’d been told to use in the Update Settings page. Thankfully, there’s a simple “restore default url” button on the page. Just be sure to use it, folks. Or you won’t even see that there is this available new, final update 4 after you remove the prerelease version.

Fourth and finally, I have worked with people who were left a little confused (in the prerelease, and I suspect will be with this final version) about what to do with the new ignoredbvarname jvm argument that’s mentioned in the technote.

Both the update 4 technote and the bug report it points to do indeed mention that there’s the option to set that new argument to true or false, but neither clarifies which value it should be set to for those suffering the problem. And since folks doing the update or changing the jvm.config may not be the developers whose code is suffering, they may not readily connect the dots.

The issue (as explained in the resources) is that prior to CF11 update 3 (and since CF6), any uses of dbvarname on cfprocparam were ignored. As of update 3, they were no longer ignored and caused problems with old code which DID have them but were not being honored.

So those moving to update 4 can solve the problems by setting that new jvm argument to “true”, so that the dbvarnames are again ignored.

Of course, you do NOT want to set that to true (to ignore dbvarnames) if you DO want dbvarnames to be used in your CFPROCPARAM code. (I won’t debate here the choices made by the CF team. I realize there are often many countervailing issues at work.)

Hope that’s helpful. (And if I got anything wrong, I’m open to being corrected. I wanted to get these comments out ASAP with the release of this final version.)

2015-02-19 04:47:37
2015-02-19 04:47:37

… and fixed.

2015-02-19 04:36:21
2015-02-19 04:36:21

The link for the tech note seems to point to a document referring to CF11u3?

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