June 12, 2012
ColdFusion Builder 2 Silent Installation
ColdFusion Builder can be installed from command prompt silently without any user interactions.This helps in automating the installation in your organization and improves productivity.
How does it work?
All the inputs that are required during installation are pre-filled into a properties file and is provided as input to the installer which takes the values from that.
When would you need this silent installer?
1. When you have so many machines to install with ColdFusion Builder and you want to automate it.
This will help reduce the effort that you will have to put in.
2.Silent installation takes only half of the time that is originally required for UI installation.
3.You can just start it and no user interactions are needed during installation.
On what platforms it can be done?
Silent installation as of now is supported only for Windows and not for Mac.
Which versions of ColdFusion Builder does it apply?
This applies to both ColdFusion Builder 2 and ColdFusion Builder 2 Update 1.
How to perform silent installation?
Silent installation steps are:
1.Place installer in a directory (Say file name is ColdFusionBuilder_2_WWEJ_win.exe)
2.Create a properties file in the same dir.You can name it like cfb2silentinstall.properties
Open the file and put the following key value pairs in it.If you want different path for installation you can change it. Directory need not be present already but the drive(C Drive) has to be already there. Installer will behave weirdly if the drive is not there.
For Standalone Installation, properties file should be put with following key-value pairs:
For Plugin Installation, properties file should be put with following key-value pairs:
Note: Please make sure to change the eclipse path with the one that you have on your machine.
3. Open the command prompt (with Run as Administrator privileges on Windows Vista/Win 7 platforms) and navigate to the directory containing Installer file and properties file. Invoke the installer from the command as
>ColdFusionBuilder_2_WWEJ_win.exe -f cfb2silentinstall.properties
If you want to run it from command prompt with any root path you have to give full path of the installer and properties file. For Example,
>C:downloadColdFusionBuilder_2_WWEJ_win.exe -f C:downloadcfb2silentinstall.properties
4.After invoking from the command, if you check in the task managers processes there should be a ColdFusionBuilder_2_WWEJ_win.exe install process running in the background.
5.Depending on the processor you have, it may take 3 to 6 minutes to install. You can know the installation completion by the presence of Adobe-ColdFusion_Builder_2*.log file under the installation directory or you can also know it by checking processes in the taskmanager.
Note: Licensing the product is not part of this silent installation. You have to provide the license key while launching the product.
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