May 4, 2021
ColdFusion DAM
May 4, 2021
ColdFusion DAM
Newbie 9 posts
Followers: 10 people

Adobe ColdFusion gives you the option to use a storage provider and manage all your digital media assets in one location. Download the project for a 360 degree view at how to maintain versions, store assets and share them to other users via email.

Download the Project here.

The DAM uploads folders available here.

**In order to download the project, please login to the community portal

Jun 17, 2021
Jun 17, 2021

Andrea’s comment (“Great work…”, below) came up in the comment feed for the portal, so it caught my attention and I had time to look at this project, several weeks after it was initially posted. While I’m glad to hear of Andrea’s appreciation for it, I will add some more feedback/criticism, in a spirit of helping:

  • Is it expected that all readers would know what DAM means? I did some digging and it seems to mean “digital asset management”. I suppose many would connect that dot from the mention above of this being about how to “manage all your digital media assets”, but still, for those not “in this space”, the clarification would be helpful since it’s in the title.
  • I tried to look for an explanation for it (the concept of a DAM) within the code, but found none (and honestly couldn’t tell from the code that that is what it was about, once I knew that acronym, as the code is deep and not clear where the “dam” aspects are–but that may be a reflection on me for not seeing it readily)

Moving on to more pressing concerns about using the example:

  • I extracted the code into a folder within another that I’d created to hold these examples, and the code would not run, because its CFCs could not be found. I see that it was written to presume that the app’s two primarily folders (app and dam) are meant to be run as the webroot of whatever web server is used. If you will not be doing that, you could solve this by adding this.mappings[“/api”]=expandpath(“.”); to the api/application.cfc, at the top where other this scope variables are defined
  • getting past that, you will then find that you were expected to have created a datasource called adobe-dam. Oh, ok. (An application-specific definition of the datasource would have been a nice touch, saving having to define it in the Admin or to write such a this.datasources array element ourselves. BTW, the code DOES set this.datasource=”adobe-dam”, which is NOT the same, before anyone may observe that.)
  • And if you dig around you will find that there is dam.sql file in that api folder, which is some mysql code to create a database of the same name. I can confirm there is nothing else in the entire zip that talks about the need to run that dam.sql, or to create a datasource
  • At that point, I gave up. I’m clearly not as motivated as Andrea was.

Really, is it too much to ask that these example apps come with just a LITTLE more in the way of documentation, like simply:

  • what it’s about
  • what are the features it demonstrates (of CF or of the app’s purpose itself)
  • what steps must be done to get it running (run this code to create a db, create this dsn, etc.)
  • what presumptions are made (run it as webroot, works with mysql, etc.)

I have been biting my tongue to offer such criticism about these projects, as surely we do want to encourage Adobe and the project authors to make such contributions. I’m just offering this as an objective assessment, which I hope may be considered for future updates or different examples of such projects.

I offer it also to help others who may find them, and might want to read about the experience of others who have “gone before them in the journey”. Hope the above observations help others who will keep going down this road.

I speak up also to encourage others, who may have been reluctant to speak up. These are like open source code for CF. It’s an admirable step, and we as a community need to step up to help encourage their use and their evolution–even if that may require a bit of criticism, or raising of questions and comments.

BTW, the comment has indeed been made in the blog post for some of the other examples (also released in May) to suggest that really these ought to BE open source projects instead.  Then rather than commenting (and making suggestions) here we could be raising issues or even pull requests at github. I hope that may be considered by Adobe for these (and any others, going forward). 

But again, thanks for the efforts. They are indeed a starting point.

Jun 17, 2021
Jun 17, 2021

Great Work; i’ve installed and played with it.

The MYSQL script has not worked from scratch (i’ve modified the SPs) and also there is no mention of what are the user and pwd to be used (i’ve modified the code in order to get loggedin).

Said that i think the project is great as a starting point; nice to see how you’ve managed authorization using JWT and the application onRestRequest method.

We’re wondering on using the project as a base for a DAM/File manager usable also as a plugin for TinyMCE.

Thanks again for sharing this.


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