We thank the user community for your patience during our brief outage. In an effort to improve our service we recently moved ColdFusion Blog to WordPress based Adobe blogs. Unfortunately, during the transition we encountered some technical issues and apologize for the delay.
We look forward to working with you on this new platform.
The ColdFusion Team
Thanks, Anit. They are indeed all gone now, and thanks for being willing to let us notify you if any turn up.
Now, any thought about adding a link to the comment feed?
And still awaiting word from anyone to help with getting those lost comments back, all of which I have ready.
Thanks Charlie.
I didn’t find the below comments:
However, I have removed https://coldfusion.adobe.com/coldfusion-10-update-11-an-update-with-50-fixes/#comment-13177
You can send an email to me, for Blog Moderation at ankumarp AT adobe DOT com.
Oh, and this one is spam too. Granted, it was just posted, so I understand that someone blocking for spam hasn’t likely had a chance to assess it. But they even have let it pass, as they the commenter has taken portions of two other comments and jammed them together. If it wasn’t for that they don’t really make sense together, it would be easy to miss that it was spam,
Here’s another spam comment:
Again, if there may be some email address to send these to, it may be less obtrusive (to all signed up for comments here) than pointing them out as comments here.
That said, those from above are still there since they were reported on the 12th.
Even if you maybe have no control over that, any thoughts on the 3rd point, about the comment feed URL? (If you may be tempted to say you already addressed it, please do reread my last comment carefully.) And still waiting to hear from someone on the first point. Just saying these things to help both you and interested readers know where things stand.
Thanks, Anit.
1) I will look forward to helping get those lost comments back.
2) As for spam ones, yep, I see that some have been removed, perhaps even since I wrote yesterday. I list a couple that remain below. (It isn’t always obvious from the text, but the URL offered by the poster is certainly another clue for the folks responsible to watch out for.)
3) As for the the feed link, you’ve misunderstood my point. I acknowledged yesterday and in my first comment that yes, there is a link to the RSS feed *for the posts* on the bottom of the right nav bar. What you do NOT offer is a link to the comments feed. That’s what I’m proposing, that you add ALSO a link to that: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/comments/feed/, for those who enjoy following all comments and not just those for posts they’ve subscribed to.
Here are just recent spam comments that remain:
Charlie, we have been deleting the spam comments frequently. If you or anyone have come across any spam comments, please let us know.
As far as the missing comments are concerned, I will ask my team to reach out to you.
Lastly, regarding the RSS Feed. You probably missed, but we already have the RSS Feed link in place. You have to scroll to the very bottom and below the “SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL”, on the right hand side section, we have the link to RSS Feed. We can bring it up, if its less discoverable.
Anit and Suarav, about the comments, I have them. And about the comment spam that has arrived here since your comments (and in many other posts), I have some suggestions on that.
First, as for the comments, I do have for you all the comments for all posts on the old blog, ready for you to import into the new server. If you need help preparing those for import, I can help with that. There are many substantial comments in many posts which, being missing, have lost important information that sometimes expanded on the blog post topic, or answered questions people had raised.
And as for spam comments, as has been noted before by others, there have been many spam comments which have gotten into the new blog here (sometimes many per week), and it seems no one is removing them. Is there someone at Adobe who is watching each post to remove such spam? If not, I would be willing to manage that, as I had been doing before, but I know, I know. Everything has to be done by Adobe people now. But who’s responsible for doing it, then?
Or of course, you could go to a system of moderation for new commenters, which I had also implemented on the old blog. Again, I would be prepared to manage such moderation, committing to get and handle each such new commenter’s first msg in a timely manner, as I had done before. But again I realize you can’t let me. Someone there could.
But perhaps no one wants to take on either task: watching each post or handling new commenter moderation? Fair enough. Is there someone who would delete them if they were told about them? I would be happy to send an email to such a person each time a spam comment appears. I do get and read each comment.
I’m just saying that as an avid reader of and contributor to the blog, I’m prepared to “put my money where my mouth is” in asking for such problems to be fixed. 🙂
BTW, if anyone wonders how to get an RSS feed for the blog comments, I shared how to do that above here, at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/welcome-back/#comment-7737, the first week the new blog came online. And I had proposed then that a link could/should be added on the right, along with the feed URL for the posts, for people who may want to follow the comments that way. Could anyone at Adobe who’s reading this and may have authority please consider that change, or let us know if you will not be doing it for some reason?
As always, I’m just trying to help.
Hi All,
During the recent transition from ColdFusion Blog to Adobe blogs, the comments and posts of a few users were deleted. We tried, but unfortunately, we were not able to recover them. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
If there were a few important posts which didn’t migrate, and you want them to show up back on our blogs, please send them to Saurav Ghosh (saghosh@adobe.com). We will evaluate them.
We appreciate your patience & support and look forward to your continuous engagement.
Hi Adobe,
Thanks _very_ much for 1) changing “Proudly powered by WordPress” to “Proudly powered by Adobe”, 2) adding the Adobe logo at the top and 3) adding the Adobe logo as the favicon. And, good color choice, IMO, for the “Adobe ColdFusion Blog” text at the top.
It feels more like home now 🙂
@Sean/@Charlie, I have already mentioned, we are aware about couple of blogs/comments being not migrated. We are working on it.
Also, SSL cert is on our list as well.
Yep, good to see the changes being made. Besides Sean’s outstanding request, I’ll point out that the things I’d point out were missing still are. See my last comment about at least one older post that’s missing, and my first comment (made June 11) about some missing comments in recent posts.
I see the theme/header etc has been updated. Thank you. What about the SSL security issue I mentioned a week ago?
I’m getting a security error for blogs.coldfusion.com now because the SSL certificate is for blogs.adobe.com — all the links in the notification emails from this blog go to blogs.coldfusion.com
@Charile, we are aware about couple of blogs/comments being not migrated. We are working on it.
@All, we will also be taking care of few other issues around the blog theme, header and likewise very soon.
While researching a problem for someone, I found that a post from the former blog is missing:
Can anyone from Adobe confirm if that is intentional or a mistake?
(Let’s please not get into a debate, folks, about whether people should still be using Access. Most by now know they really shouldn’t, and the hassles which started with CF10 should certainly push them harder to migrate. But this blog post was helpful for people migrating to 10 or above and hitting this problem.)
I don’t know, Shawn. Do you really think there’s enough of a market for something like a CF-based blog or CMS? I mean, how many folks who want to create one would want to create it on CF even if they ran CF? And especially a blog, when there’s so much to creating one that this team you envision would have to build. Consider the very features we just discussed in the other thread. It really would be quite a large effort, and ongoing since the world of blogs (and browers) and integrations is ever evolving.
And same for CMS’s. And not only are they complex apps, but consider the many commercial CMS solutions written in CFML that do already exist. They exist because it seems everyone thinks they have the “right idea” for a CMS and so they build their own. (There were at one time about 30 different CMSs written in CFML.)
And I realize you’ll say “yeah but that fragmentation was really because it was not Adobe’s provided version”. I just don’t see it that way myself. Honestly, how many potential clients are there for a CFML-based CMS? There’s no reason to think that those currently using Mura, Preside, Contentbox, and so on would stop using them. So I’m saying how many potential clients really remain?
And I think your point is that just having them would make CF (as a suite of tools) all the more compelling. Perhaps it could, but again don’t you think that ship has sailed?
Indeed someone may say, “well, that just shows the opportunity that Adobe missed”, and perhaps so. Hindsight is 20-20. They didn’t, and I personally think it was wise. Such projects take just so much effort. And an Adobe-provided one (if it was indeed popular) would be held to a much higher standard of expectation by its audience…and the IT world in general.
Factoring all that in, I could seem them saying “it’s just not worth it”. Now, I’m just an independent observer. I have no influence on what the CF team does (trust me, there are many other things I wish were done or done differently).
So we’re each just presenting two sides of the coin. It’s Adobe’s to flip. 🙂
(And folks interested in discussing various facets of CF’s viability, marketability, marketing efforts, feature decisions, pricing, and so on should remember that this is a post about the new blog. 🙂 But there was AMPLE discussion of such issues in the comments about the release of CF2016: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/post.cfm/announcing-the-launch-of-the-newest-version-of-coldfusion-adobe-coldfusion-2016-release, as well as a couple of follow-up ones from that timeframe, like https://coldfusion.adobe.com/coldfusion-marketing/, and you can still comment there and likely get a lot of comment from those who were interested in that discussion and would get notifications of your new comments.)
For the sake of younger/newer folks, Spectra was an early CMS and framework (circa 2000) developed by Allaire, the creators of CF (who were then acquired by Macromedia, who were acquired by Adobe).
Spectra was a monster. I remember seeing a printout of the Spectra docs and it was several inches thick. It tried to do so much, and was doing it on CF5 and before, so much was missing that might have made it work.
But to Sean’s point, yep, it’s the kind of large CFML-based, vendor-produced product that still leaves a bad taste in our mouths all these years later.
Still Shawn might point out that because it was a smaller company, and things have indeed changed technically and in other ways, it’s not a fair comparison. Still, it’s a cautionary tale. 🙂
oh bummer, my opening line of that last comment was lost. I had put “shivers” in brackets, like we use for tags. I assumed WP would be smart enough to turn those into appropriate html chracter entities. Wow.
Well, lesson learned. Don’t do that folks (but maybe someone at Adobe could change a WP feature to allow it, because people will surely try to show code as comments in time. It would just be hidden from view, and they and readers may not notice. 🙁
Sounds like head in the sand to me. My one word rebuttals would be yahoo, aol, blackberry all companies with their heads in the sand till the bitter end. Then there are companies like Apple, who were in the same boat and realized the end is near without change and proceeded to execute outside the box.
Bringing up a 20 year old relic as justified reasoning to keep the head in the sand is not cutting it. Every day tens of thousands of websites are stood up on other platforms due to their available applications and large educational resources. To ignore this is suicide. Reminds me of blackberry insisting everyone loves their keypad and expensive email proxy, until the only one left using them is the CEO with a pink slip.
Thanks for the response. As far as the answer, I don’t think building skinable ready to use solutions that encourage purchases is getting side tracked, it’s essential.
If it were up to me, I’d have two teams of developers on the CF product. One team focuses on improving the language while the other focuses on building crtitcal ready to go solutions to encourage sales. Now I’m not talking about CF building specific use cases like build a real estate web application. I agree this is left to the market. But I am talking about building things we all use. A CMS is one of many. Adobe obviously has found using CF for its enterprise needs wanting. Rather than simply accept that, you should be asking what short comings does the product have that causes them to think this way. Then fix it. We always hear cost as a factor, but that’s hardly an excuse in Adobe’s case. If they moved the blog to AEM then it would be more understandable, but they left you both in the dust. That is just as much as a black eye for AEM as it is for ColdFusion. I think AEM and ColdFusion should be working together to become a better Adobe solution or ColdFusion needs to think outside the box and become that complete solution web developers pick and skin. Simply staying a language isn’t good enough. You need the ready to go applications to compete. Adobe is a billion dollar company, it should give you guys an investment to innovate so you can quickly close the gap and be on the same footing. I promise you your losing hundreds of millions of dollars in business for not having the selection of web solutions that PHP and .Net do. Sooner you realize this the better for the product and it’s developers as ColdFusion will become more marketable.
And so the spam has begun already, here: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/winner-of-the-mobile-application-development-contest/#comment-7830 and here: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/win-1000-coldfusion-11-mobile-application-development-contest/#comment-7832.
It was only within the past hour, so we can of course cut the Adobe team newly responsible for the blog some slack, but I do hope they are going to be diligent about removing these at least nightly, lest the blog become a boneyard of crap comments as it was until a couple of years ago.
How about some smart solutions to the problem…
-dummy fields
-keyword blacklists
-ip bans
-report abuse thresholds to auto handle
Don’t need a physical person babysitting it, you need control, which you just lost…
Well, yeah. I was referring (ok, only implicitly) to the general range of things they could do to prevent them, and remove any that get buy. We did have such features in place on the old blog, so that my removal of spam had fallen to just a couple per week before it went away.
I agree totally with working smarter, not harder. And I even commented in my first post that I hope they would start evolving the blog to take advantage of the many useful features and plugins that WP has. That to me is an advantage of going that route, as bad as it looks to some on the surface.
And honestly it speaks to your next comment, and I’ll offer a reply there since these are now threaded (which I suspect many would find a win, but surely some will find reason to complain about).
Hi Adobe,
I have not received any notification emails from this blog. Every time I’ve commented, I’ve checked both “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.” and “Notify me of new posts by email.”.
How do I make this work?
I feel like this is a joke maybe? Did somebody hack the cold fusion blog and put it on another platform? Are they really saying creating a blog on cold fusion is too complex? Sorry for all the questions, but in complete disbelief. Sad days for coldfusion =/
Did you miss Rakshith’s explanation? He said that moving to Adobe’s centrally managed WordPress blogging server means they are freed up from maintaining their own server and the blogging software and moderation tasks (for spam) etc. Adobe has an internal team dedicated to the WordPress blogging server so now the CF team can rely on those resources, and just get on with producing content for us, their end users.
Speaking of keeping up on comments here as they are posted (see my last comment) , there is a way. It’s just not as obvious as it could be.
Some may have noticed that while there is link to an RSS feed of posts here, on the right of the front page, sadly there is NO link there to an RSS feed for comments. (Of course, we each can signup to be notified by email about comments for a given post, but that’s not the same thing.)
But here’s the good news: the URL for a comment feed in WP sites is generic and it does indeed work for this blog:
It would be nice if Adobe could add a link to that comment feed on the front page, to help people find it more readily.
FWIW, that feed as of today goes back to April 30, while the feed of posts goes all the feed of posts (https://coldfusion.adobe.com/feed/, which IS linked on the right of the front page) does go all the way back to the first post in 2012.
Hope that’s helpful.
Back to something from Rakshiths’s first reply yesterday: he kindly acknowledged that I’d been doing the comment moderation on the old blog.
Now for future reference, and to be clear, I am NOT the one doing it on this new incarnation of the blog. So if there are any delays in moderation, I’m just saying it’s not on me. 🙂 Moderation is a tough job, of course.
FWIW, I had taken it up on the old blog because as many here will know, the CF blog used to be overwhelmed with spam comments for some years, and some that were there FOR years. I grew frustrated with that and, well, you know what happens when you complain about a problem…. 🙂
Seriously, I made the offer to take up the responsibility. And I was glad to do it, and I hope that no one ever noticed any delay. Now they have the Adobe blog team handling it, I guess, and more power to ’em.
Doing it also allowed me to keep up on all the comments and help where I could. (The old blog had no comment feed feature, and it seems there’s none here, either.) But that also explains if some wondered how it was that I would seem to respond to comments so quickly. 🙂
tell you this link to retreive https://coldfusion.adobe.com/post.cfm/axis-2-and-axis-1-compatibility-issues
Do you know when you plan on completing the restore?
Better experience and separate team maintaining it is all suger coating. Let’s look at the events the blog was taken down immediately and this blog came up after a week. Don’t tell us that it is a planned activity cos if it is then the new blog would have atleast some branding. Did u guys run into a security issue because of which u were forced to pull it down? Cos the next time I see you at summit I would ask the same qn.
Well most of my friends have cancelled their registration for the summit. I think I would too. Well it was good till it lasted.
Wow, what a poor unfortunate choice! If you think you had too much time on the blog before just wait to find out what it takes to keep up with WordPress security and the every nano second of hacking attempts. We moved off of WP to Mura for security reasons alone.
This is like saying Coca Cola is going to serve Pepsi in the break room because they stock the refrig for free, bad move guys!
20 years of supporting and fighting for ColdFusion down the drain, very disappointing…
Hi Adobe,
Please try these steps:
1) go to the Adobe Digital Marketing blog: https://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/
2) scroll to bottom
3) see there is no “Proudly powered by WordPress” (good)
4) see there is a “© 2016 Adobe Digital Marketing Blog” (good.. but 2016 should be 2017?)
Thus, on blogs.coldfusion.com, can you please change the “Proudly powered by WordPress” to “© 2017 Adobe ColdFusion Blog”.
Also, the black stripe (w/ Adobe logo at top-right) across the top of the Digital Marketing blog makes it look like an official Adobe blog. Can same branding be done w/ the CF blog?
Also, see how the Digital Marketing blog uses the Adobe logo as the favicon (browser tab icon)? Can same be done w/ the CF blog?
During the outage, I was thinking 1) Aether was adding integration w/ Adobe Experience Manager and 2) blogs.coldfusion.com was being moved to Adobe Experience Manager.
Now, I see the Adobe Experience Manager blog (or, more specifically, the Digital Marketing blog) is also running on WordPress.
I now see this as a positive move. If Adobe blogs are eventually moved to Adobe Experience Manager, it is more likely now that the ColdFusion blog will also be moved to Adobe Experience Manager (since a single team now supports all Adobe blogs).
Upon doing “blog confusion” search in Google, we can see a Coldfusion blog under Adobe domain using Mura CMS. Contents there are all dated back to 2016, any chance to remove these links from Google or redirect them to the latest entry.
It should be worth to take a look on this.
Oliver, your search term does not turn up for me the “cf blog using mura” that you refer to. Of course, google doesn’t show the same results to everyone for the same search terms. But first, did you really mean confusion or was that a feudian slip and you meant coldfusion, perhaps?
More important, can you point to an example URL for the mura-based cf blog you see?
I wonder if you mean you are simply finding that in the google search results for stuff related to the coldfusion blog, you are seeing urls that have .cfm (which the old blog did use), while the current blog’s posts do not. I addressed that in my first comment: it looks like they are doing url rewrites, because I found (and was celebrating) that that such “old blog” urls do in fact redirect to the corresponding post on the new blog. Of course that’s a good thing.
But you are suggesting that they “should”, which implies you find that they do not. So again, can you share an example?
Finally, the old blog was based on Mango. Maybe that’s what you meant instead of Mura. But again the search results never conveyed that. One had to visit the site (or perhaps you are visiting the old cached version of a page).
@Charlie the Mura-based Coldfusion blog is located here: http://coldfusion.adobe.com/coldfusion/index.cfm/blog/ It appears that it was never finished and seems odd that it is currently live. It would have been great to see Adobe use Mura to run the blog sites.
Thanks Charlie, it’s my typo. I search “blog coldfusion” in google.
Example URL is as below:
Charlie, they mean this site: http://coldfusion.adobe.com/coldfusion/index.cfm/blog/
I’m not sure about Google, but maybe this is what is being referenced: http://coldfusion.adobe.com/coldfusion/index.cfm/blog/
Ah, ok. Thanks (John, Sean, Aaron, and others who shared the link to that “other blog”.) Interesting that so many of you found it. I’ve never come across it, that I can remember.
So we can see from the posts there that it’s from 2016 (and stopped then).
But I see that that “other blog” does in fact have the same content as this one, at least up to then. I compared its entries to the June 2016 entries for this one (https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2016/06/) and they are the same. But besides its ugly formatting, it also lacks the comments in this one.
Some might want to dismiss it was perhaps some early experiment at a “new platform for a blog”, but note that we can’t do that.
That page has a “home” URL in its navigational breadcrumb at the top left and that page, http://coldfusion.adobe.com/coldfusion/, does indeed have a pod at the bottom with posts from that blog—and only that blog, not this one (blogs.coldfusion.com). That should be changed of course.
But even more lamentable is that both those URLs show a set of nav menus in the top right, and the “blog” pointed to there is THAT OTHER ONE, not this one! Bummer to see.
(I’m surprised I never noticed that stuff before myself. The usual page I look to as the “main” CF page is that reachable by coldfusion.com, which redirects to http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-family.html. That has a link to the blog in a reference near the bottom, and that IS to THIS blog. Just some sloppiness with lots of content pages, of course. Hope it will be fixed)
As a point of interest, for those concerned, that “other” blog shows up in the archive.org “wayback machine” as from 2013 (http://web.archive.org/web/20130607003052/http://coldfusion.adobe.com:80/coldfusion/index.cfm/blog/), though curiously back then it shows doing a REDIRECT TO THIS BLOG.
So I suspect what happened is that somehow that redirect was lost and that’s why the links which should have ended up on this blog may be ending up on the other. Just a guess.
All thi sis of course “making of the sausage” which perhaps many readers may not care to consider, but this is in fact a post about the blog, so I though I’d share it in case someone in Adobe especially may care and look into things.
I read through the comments, including Rakshith’s explanation for the move to WordPress. ColdFusion aside, how come Adobe chose to use a platform like WP for its blogging and created a “dedicated Adobe team managing and providing full support for a better blog engine” as Rakshith explained, and not picked something like the Adobe Experience Manager? Surely, one way or another, Adobe should be trying to consume its own products internally?
@Oliver: Thank you. We look forward to engaging with you.
@Peter: Thank you. Again, apologies for the delay in bringing the back up.
@Charlie: Thank you, Charlie. We will take care of the comment issue that you have mentioned. Now that we are on a standardized Adobe platform for blogs, we do have access to the blog support group who provide full assistance to us and help us serve our readers better.
@Shawn, @Aaron: I share your concern about the blog not running on ColdFusion. It is not that we did not try. The CF blog was running on CF for the last six years. We got to a point where supporting the blog was becoming a overhead when our focus as a product team should be to engage with you on the blog. For your other point on ready to use web application solutions, we really do not want to get side tracked by creating ready use to use web applications. There are solutions in the community that are being built and our focus will continue to be the best platfrom for such solutions and any web application in general.
@Aaron: The primary goal for us was to get blog back online. We are working on changing the branding for the blog. We have to live the subliminal message that you referring to.
@Adam: The focus was on getting the blog back first. We are already working on the branding for the site.
@Aaron: Yes, the comments were in the moderation queue and have now been made public.
Good stuff: cheers for addressing everyone’s concerns, Rakshith.
Am quite surprised that “supporting the blog was becoming a overhead”? It’s not like you were adding new features or anything… what support was becoming an issue (ie: that sounds like the amount of support it needed was increasing).
It might be worth a bit of an article explaining the challenges you had and why the shift to WordPress is something that Adobe recommends for CF users..?
@Adam: Thank you. I will try clarifying. We were the only Adobe blog that was running on a separate server of its own. You are right that we were not adding any features to blog solution itself. The maintenance of the blog involved a few trivial tasks such as user management and look and feel to more involved tasks such as making sure that the server is on the latest security update and conducting frequent audits to make sure that the system is secure. Charlie Arehart was helping us moderate the comments. A huge thanks to Charlie for this. But there was more to be done. The question was, when there is a dedicated Adobe team managing and providing full support for a better blog engine, why continue to seek this exception for ColdFusion blog when our focus can be fully around building a better next version of ColdFusion. I hope you realize this was not an easy decision for us as we share a similar concern raised in some of the comments. The hard call had to be made based on where are we better off focusing.
You say: “The question was, when there is a dedicated Adobe team managing and providing full support for a better blog engine, why continue to seek this exception for ColdFusion blog”
To me the question should be: why is Adobe not dogfooding it’s own solutions? This is like Adobe using Paint.net instead of Photoshop (even worse in my opinion, since this blog is public.)
Mingo, Macromedia was quite the fan of eating its own dog food. Some period of time after Adobe bought Macromedia, Shantanu made it clear that he hated the “dog food” term and tried to replace it with “drinking our own champagne”. He was stubbornly unaware of the negative connotations of that! But it was clear that Adobe was _not_ a fan of using its own products for internal infrastructure: it was a constant battle to get anything running on CF internally (my team was constantly cross-examined about it because we pushed it for shared infrastructure in hosted services — and after I left everything I’d built in CF over seven years was replaced by non-CF solutions).
My opinion, Adobe needs a serious sit down on where it stands with enterprise, cloud, and development in general. It has too many of these products to be blowing in the wind. Time to have them come together as a more extensive offering, or start taking bids.
(apparently we’ve reached the nesting level limit of WP, so I can’t reply to Shawn, I have to reply to Mingo… but this is a reply to Shawn’s opinion post about “enterprise, cloud, and development in general”)
First off, Shawn, I totally agree with you on this one. Adobe — and Macromedia before them — were very good at desktop software but never really figured out server software and how to work well with developers. I interviewed with two different server product teams at Macromedia before I interviewed for the role of senior IT architect (the position I accepted). I turned those jobs down because I didn’t think they’d figured out what those server products were about. As it happened, I was right on both counts and during my six years with Macromedia (and my year with Adobe), I saw several other server products come into being and then fizzle out, or get quickly sold off to some other company. The target community for server products is very, very different to that of desktop products. I’ve long thought that Macromedia/Adobe would do well to consider splitting into two companies: a desktop software company (and supporting infrastructure) and a server software company (and perhaps sunset several server products). If they did this, I very much doubt that ColdFusion would survive in its current form (if at all). I think, at best, it would get sold off to some other company (who may or may not succeed with it — my money would be on “not”), and at worst it would simply be EOL’d.
Most products it wouldn’t matter, but given the nature of what ColdFusion is, I just can’t see how this is good for the product running the blog off PHP instead of ColdFusion. Microsoft goes out of its way to use SQL Server on all its sites and make people aware of this. Many other companies also practice using their own product. I don’t know if this was a product descion or an Adobe corporate fall in line demand, but it’s just another shot at the perception of the product.
This product needs a version or two pause on pursuing “new stuff” and focus on being a programming suite of ready to use web application solutions and main stream usecases. If a company wants to use ColdFusion, they should have a professional grade solution available to them for all common web functionality. I can think of a dozen or so application features, that are important use cases, and a majority of them, I can’t think of one professional grade provider. It’s all build it yourself.
It’s easy to pin the sales volume on cost compared to free languages, but can you seriously say ColdFusion is up to par with the other languages when it comes to ready to go, self managed applications for doing things? The only professional provider of anything on the common use web application level I can think of is Mura.
I love the product on the sever side programming level, so I don’t enjoy having to dish out criticism, but if the product is going to be around for my company for decades, it needs some tough love to get it ontrack.
Very glad to see the blog back. The sudden and unexpected disappearance was a bummer, as was the delay in getting it back, but let’s move forward. Glad people can once again find the many useful resources shared here.
And especially glad in that regard that you setup the old URLs to redirect to new ones, so that old links to them and current search engine results would still work. Thanks. Along with every post back to the first in Jan 2012. And of course very glad to see that the old comments were preserved.
…well, almost all of them. Some are missing. Are you aware of that?
Just as an example, if you look at the most recent blog post (https://coldfusion.adobe.com/update-4-for-coldfusion-builder-2016-released/), and search for “charlie”, you’ll find Piyush replying to me, but my comment itself is not there. Same in the next 3 most recent posts. Is the comment import process still running perhaps?
Of course, some will want to make noise about the CF blog running on WordPress. Really folks, let’s accept that fact and move on. Sometimes function (using the world’s most full-featured blog platform) wins out over form (the fact that it’s not running on CF).
Content is king, and I’m very happy to see the blog back, to have access again to what’s been shared in the past and what will surely be shared about ColdFusion in the future. That’s surely what matters most.
PS Just saw the option for subscribing to posts as an option when we leave a comment. There you go, already a cool new benefit. Let the easter egg hunt begin for any other possible new WP features that have been or perhaps could be added to make the blog still more useful.