March 6, 2019
Adobe ColdFusion usage survey
March 6, 2019
Adobe ColdFusion usage survey
Staff 109 posts
Followers: 40 people

Hello, everyone! Here is a short ColdFusion usage survey from Adobe. The information gathered from this survey is very important for us and will help determine some of the usage patterns of the product.

Here is the link again.

Thank you for your time.

Mar 6, 2019
Mar 6, 2019

Is “Email integration via CFMail” referring to simply sending email using cfmail? Not sure what integration is referring to?

Mar 6, 2019
Mar 6, 2019

Good to see you polling the community, as you do often. Thanks, Rakshith.

That said, I have a few quibbles/observation, in the order they appeared.

First, there seems a missed opportunity in question 5 regarding API Manager use/awareness. The last option is simply “not interested”, but that does not get to why one may choose that. I think it would have been  useful to split that into “already using another API manager” and “not using APIs/no need of an API Manager”. And perhaps have an “other” with free form entry, for any other reason.

Same with question 6, on the range of interest levels in various listed features. Consider the Security Analyzer one, for instance: someone on CF Standard can’t use it. Their only option is “not interested”. That could have offered “would use it if it was supported on Standard”.

Or with others among the few features discussed (like HTML to PDF), they may use an alternate solution they implemented, perhaps because something about the CF feature didn’t suit their needs. So again, they may choose “not interested” but that’s not really an accurate choice. Also, some may read this as being about cfdocument, and not even realize that cfhtmltopdf (added in cf11) is an option that might better suit their needs). And you can’t tell which they are using in their answers, either way.

Finally, since the goal is assessing use of those things in question 6, it would have seemed useful also to have offered two choices regarding “using in production”, to convey whether that use of critical/heavy or simply minor usage.

Of course, writing surveys is challenging. And often anything is better than nothing. I realize also that it’s too late to make any change in this survey. I’m just suggesting things that might be considered for future ones.

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