Articles with tag : functional programming
Quick hit blog post here, did you know that ColdFusion can generate CAPTCHA
images for you? While there are, of course, other CAPTCHA image generators &
frameworks out there, if you're just looking for a simple solution, you've
already got one built ...
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The HTML to PDF conversion functionality allows developers to convert HTML
files, strings, or URLs into PDF documents. The feature proves beneficial when
you need to provide website content in a portable, easily shareable format.
Reports, invoices, a...
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries
with your existing data. It provides a more efficient, powerful, and flexible
alternative to REST. In ColdFusion 2023 we are providing a native method of
consuming and sen...
While playing around with booleans, I ended up running into some fun stuff(tm)
having to do with NULL. As you might be aware, as of Adobe ColdFusion 2018, the
framework has supported NULL values, but what you might not be aware of is that
you can tur...
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I love ColdFusion. I've been developing websites, applications, and software
using ColdFusion for over 20 years. I've struggled with the reputation
ColdFusion has, and I've watched the customer and developer base dwindle. I
don't believe tha...
An Immediately Invoked Function Expression is a good way at protecting the scope
of yourfunctionand thevariableswithin it. The term ‘scope’ basically just means
where it can be accessed from. For example, if you were to add two numbers and
log to con...
I have the following code data = ['2342bas', 'asqwerewq', '12314',
12421, 1.1]; newdata = arrayNew(1); for (item in data) {
newdata.append(val(item)); } writedump(newdata); newdata = []; for (item in
data) { newdata.append(val(item)); } writedump(ne...
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Last year, Microsoft published their upcoming changes to Exchange Web Services
(EWS) API for Office 365
And I belie...
I've not seen this posted before, apologies if it's already been discussed! Our
team have identified a bug when using QueryExecute and named query parameters.
This doesn't appear to affect all installations of ColdFusion, as it doesn't
affect my mach...
I was looking at the replace in-built function and noticed that it now accepts a
callback. Here is the example that is shown on the docs.myStr = "happy app application apply appreciate appreciation Apprentice";
outStr = replace( myStr, "app", functi...
I was playing with some code that used arrayReduce to sum the values in an
array. Not terribly exciting, here it is:function sumReducer(accumulator, el) {
return accumulator + el;
function assert(actual, expected) {
if (actual==expect...

https://github.com/jmohler1970/WordExtractor_demoIntroductionWe are going to be
extracting out HTML from a Word (.docx) file..docx is an example of an Open
Document Format for Office Applicatio...
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I am showing the custom exception for the error.For every exception it's working
proper.The problem is when i change some no's to * operator in the url link it
must show the custom exception.But it's showing the system generate exception.
please help...
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This is my code for which i have written to encript..bt instead of AES i need to
give my value..i mean i should generate secrate key in the form of
surveyId_InviteId ....help me with this this is my code:

I need to retrieve multiple email which is provided in the form..And for every
mail i need to create unique id.please help with this.
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