Articles with tag : CFSummit

The ColdFusion API Manager typically comes with default Java versions (1.8.0_112
and 1.8.0_361). However, you may need to upgrade these versions. Since the
ColdFusion API Manager is certified only with JDK 1.8 (at the time of writing
this blog), we w...
Install API Manager along with Analytic Server and DatastoreSERVER B
Install API Manager and point it to the Analytic Server and Datastore installed
1--!> Launch the insta...
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Hey fellow CF fans, it is Monday, and that means another blog entry. This time
I'm throwing together a little code snippet that uses a little-known feature of
CFQuery that was included in CF2021 but rarely talked about. As you might know,
when Adobe ...
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To work with the Zoom API, we can choose between OAuth and JWT (JSON web token)
Zoom APP. Both provide a high level of security. You can find more details on
the Zoom docs pages: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/build as w...
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Check out my presentation from Summit 2017API-Manager-Presentation-Summit-2017
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We have been on ColdFusion since v6. Over the years we stuck with that version
and were resistant to change. Finally, we decided to upgrade. We moved very
quickly to the new versions of CF and are currently running CF 2016 Enterprise.
We have 3 devel...
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For the past two years we have been working on making the Adobe API Manager a
part of our day to day management of all internal and external services. We
launched the product into our production environments earlier this year. Within
days of the laun...
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We made the decision to move from our current API Gateway to the Adobe API
Manager. We chose this platform for several reasons. 1. Cost - It was included
in our CF Enterprise license and saved us significant money over our other
2. ...
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I am new to this and in need of assistance with the ColdFusion API Manager. If I
add a User (such as Publisher), I cannot use the login credentials to log back
into the API Manager. I receive a "User not Authorized" error. When I adjust any
profile s...
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Recently at my organization, we have decided to step out in a bold new direction
and completely revamp all of our web applications. With the introduction of the
Adobe API Manager and our desire to shift resource consumption from the server
to the cli...
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CF Summit 2017 was a lot of fun, lots of new faces, and good to meet friends,
old and new alike. I really enjoyed the ColdBox 2 day training, RESTFul Training
Bootcamp. I also enjoyed, Pete Freitag's Hands On CFML Security Workshop. It was
fun, and t...
I've seen a few different ColdFusion 11 Standard servers that have been sending
duplicate emails. We've had several clients at CF Webtools reporting this issue
and over time I've had to research this to try to determine how this is
happening. During ...
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Another great feature in the API Manager that helped us debug and trouble shoot
an application without the need of any debugging code or even a code deployment.
With limited write access to certain environments this makes the task of
detmerining trou...
Microservices have been gaining a lot of attention lately. We have been
exploring how a Microservice Architecture could provide us with a technical and
business advantage. One of the things that is appealing is that it allows for
team empowerment. Ou...
Today, APIs are widely used and are very popular in the developer community.
APIs make work easier, as developers can perform difficult task programmatically
and automate repeatable routines.
In ColdFusion, there are Admin APIs available through whi...
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