The ColdFusion ecosystem has a number of MVC (Model-View-Controller) frameworks — with ColdBox and FW/1 (Framework One) currently being the most popular — and some of them are directly inspired by MVC frameworks in other technologies: cfWheels is heavily inspired by Ruby on Rails, for example. Most of these frameworks offer fairly standard features, regardless of which language they are built with, but some languages are unusual enough that their web frameworks look very different. I work with Clojure a lot. […]
With the challenges the world is facing today, the need for creative ideas has never been greater. When students become creators of digital content, they can amplify their ideas and increase their impact. Educators have an opportunity and an obligation to foster creativity in their students and help them build digital skills. The Adobe Education Exchange is your online hub to help ignite creativity in your classroom. With instructional resources, professional development, and peer-to-peer collaboration, you’ll find the support you […]
We are happy to announce the first release of Migration Guide for ColdFusion 11. This guide will help you, to migrate your ColdFusion 9 and ColdFusion 10 servers to ColdFusion 11 seamlessly. This guide also gives a fair overview for migration of legacy servers to the most recent and supported versions. This helps you understand the various phases of migration, along with, how to use Code Analyzer. The Code Analyzer reviews the CFML pages that you specify and informs you […] is a new learning initiative by Abram Adams. The idea of the portal is to offer tutorials for new or beginner level ColdFusion developers with interactive tutorials using which you can type in CFML code on the browser and see the results live! This is a great way to quickly learn the CFML programming without having to download ColdFusion. What’s more, Abram Adams also has a contest running right now where the you, the ColdFusion community, can help take […]